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Finding Aid

Fondo Giacomo Costantino Beltrami


Introduction to the collection

The Fondo Beltrami at the Biblioteca Civica Angelo Mai, Bergamo, is a collection of manuscripts, correspondence, biographical information, travel journals, collected ephemera and other materials related to and/or authored by Giacomo Costantino Beltrami, a nineteenth-century Italian jurist, author and explorer in the Americas. As such, it represents a valuable resource not only for the researcher interested in his personal biography, but also for a wide range of other topics and research focii. Beltrami's judicial career spanned an important time-period in Italian history during Napoleon's reign in Italy, while the years following the fall of Napoleon would bring controversy for Beltrami as he became embroiled in the Carbonari affair which would result in his exile from his native land. This exile would bring Beltrami to the United States and would produce the work for which he is best known, his explorations along the upper Mississippi river and among the Native American peoples of that region. Less well known, but equally useful for the modern researcher were his following exploits in Mexico and in the Caribbean world, and his numerous scientific and professional activities upon his return to Europe. These last years saw Beltrami extremely active in the social world of 1830s Paris, and indeed, Beltrami counts among his friends and correspondents many of the most influential politicians, artists and journalists of that time. From all these phases of Beltrami's life are preserved varied documentary resources which form a rich and vibrant peek into Beltrami's life and the world in which he lived.

The collection itself consists of a series of large folders and small boxes which contain materials transferred at different times since the death of Beltrami in 1855, with the majority of the materials originating from his nephew's donation in 1856. The documents, in most cases, are bound into these folders, and are unfortunately in need of a certain amount of preservation which, due to their format, would be costly if not impossible to provide. In addition, lack of provenance information and problems with previous numbering schema have required that the collection be reorganized and newly collocated, and have also required that a new finding aid be produced which utilizes the existing folder system, but imposes greater control upon the order and intellectual content of the documents. This document replaces and expands on previous finding aids, while also attempting to reconcile numbering and ordering problems without creating more artificial arrangements which would only create further confusion. The brief guidelines for this new system, then, are the following:

This work was carried out from November to June of 1999-2000 at the Biblioteca Civica Angelo Mai under the supervision of Dottor Giulio Orazio Bravi, director of the library, by Scott Andrew Collard, MSLIS (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), and is the final phase of an Internet-based resource constructed to increase user access and use of this collection. This document can be found in paper format at the library upon request.

For more information on these and other pages, see the Main Menu page; guidelines for use of this tool follow.

Collection information

Span: 1808-1931

Arrangement: By Subject; chronological thereunder; numbered by document


CB = Giacomo Costantino Beltrami
r = Recto (frontside of document)
v = Verso (backside of document)
[*] = Information supplied by archivist
Blank cc: = blank sides and pages in given document

Document Key:

Doc. Number. "Name of document (taken from document itself)" OR Doc. Description (provided by archivist) OR Correspondent name OR Publication Name ; placename (if available) , date (if available) . [ Language (if other than Italian) . Physical description (as necessary). Contents notes (if available) . Additional information (if applicable) . ]

Example 1:

cc.14r-17v. Canonge, Greffier de la Chambre des rapresentants de l'Etat de la Louisiane, a CB; Nouvelle Orleans, 13 avril, 1824. [In French, with an attached Italian translation, 14r-v, and envelope, 17v; Canonge's actual letter begins 16r. Blank cc: 15r-v, 17r. Official thanks for Découverte, and congratulations and best wishes on behalf of the Louisiana House of Representatives (Chambre des Reprèsentants). This letter is reprinted in Notizie e lettere, 1865, p.111.]

Example 2:

cc.16r-17v. "C.U.C. Cimante Micenio, Custode Generale d'Arcadia, Al valoroso ed erudito sig. Giacomo Costantino Beltrami," s.d. [With embossed seal. Blank cc: 16v, 17r-v. This letter bestows on CB his Arcadian scholarly name, Alcandro Grineo.]

Example 3:

cc.112r-v. The Scots Times. "Literature: 'A Pilgrimage in Europe and America,'" February 16, 1828. [In English. Printed. Extremely positive review of Pilgrimage which reprints long passages and lauds the book in its entirety, with the exception of a few stylistic concerns and a proclivity on the part of the author to complain about his circumstances.]

List of Contents

Note: scroll down or select a link to be taken directly to desired section.

Biografia [Biography]

(1)Diplomi Accademici e onorificenze.

(2) Passaporti e documenti vari.

Corrispondenza [Correspondence]

(3) Vol. I, parte 1; Dal 1815-1821.

(4) Vol. I, parte 2; In morte della contessa Giulia Spada dei Medici, 1820.

(5) Vol. II; Dalla partenza per l'America, 1821-1834.

(6) Vol III; Dalla 1835 agli ultimi anni della sua vita, 1835-1855.

Note di Viaggio [Travel Notes]

(7) Note di Viaggio.

Attività professionale [Professional Activity]

(8-9) Congresso di Stoccarda.

Collezioni fornite da Beltrami [Documents Collected by Beltrami]

(10-11) Carte geografiche.

(12) Frammenti di Giornale dalla sua raccolta.

(13) Giornale che parlano delle sue publicazioni.

(14) Documenti di Haiti.

(15) Informazioni riguardanti alcune miniere messicane (Zacatecas).

Carte Varie [Related documents]

(16) Carteggio del Municipio di Bergamo riguardante Beltrami.

(17) Materiali dalla dedicazione a Columbus a St. Paul, Minnesota, 1931.

(18-24) Miscellanea.

Addended materials:


General subject guide

Biographical subject guide

Bibliographic references

Collection statistics


Biografia [Biography]

1. Diplomi Accademici e onorificenze. Two large folders, nested one within the other, with the original order number of 13 (gamma 1 sopra, 4). 20 documents; numbered 3r-46v. Contents include diplomas and honorary memberships in a number of scientific and scholarly societies of the time, in various sizes and formats. Contains numerous blank pages and two contents lists at the front. "cc" numbers cited refer to existing numbers in red ink in upper right hand corners or on the backs of the documents; freestanding blank pages are not annotated. Arranged chronologically.

cc.3r-6v. "Diplomi Accademici, onorificenze," s.d. [1800's]. [Blank cc: 3v, 4v, 5r-v, 6r-v. Original document list; with original location inscription "3. Lambda. 6. 13."]

cc.7r-v. List of documents; Macerata, 1830 [?]. [Blank cc: 7v. List of documents transmitted from Filottrano?.]

cc.8r-v. "Diploma Massoneria," 29 del sesto mese, l'anno della V. L. 5808, [29 giugno, 1808]. [On vellum, with attached ribbon and seal. Blank cc: 8v.]

cc.9r-11v. "Medaglia d'onore di Napoli"; Ancona, 13 aprile, 1815. [With attached envelope, 11v. Blank cc: 9v, 10v, 11r]

cc.12r-v. Diploma: "La Nostra Accademia de' Catenati di Macerata," 21 agosto, 1820. [On parchment, with embossed seal. Blank cc: 12v.]

cc.13r-15v. Diploma:"Il Saggio Collegio d'Arcadia"; 24 agosto, 1821. [With embossed seal. Blank cc: 13v, 14v, 15r-v.]

cc.16r-17v. "C.U.C. Cimante Micenio, Custode Generale d'Arcadia, Al valoroso ed erudito sig. Giacomo Costantino Beltrami," s.d. [With embossed seal. Blank cc: 16v, 17r-v. This letter bestows on CB his Arcadian scholarly name, Alcandro Grineo.]

cc.18r-19v. Diploma: "Societas Medico-Botanica Londinensis," 9 dicembris, 1828. [With Seal. Blank cc: 18v, 19v. In Latin.]

cc.20r-22v. "Societas Medico-Botanica Londinensis," 12 Decembre, 1828. [In French. With envelope and seal, cc.20. Blank cc: 20v, 22v. Letter contains academic instructions for membership in the society.]

cc.23r-24v. "Societas Medico-Botanica Londinensis," 25 April, 1829. [In English. Blank cc: 23v, 24r-v. Contains academic instructions for membership in the society.]

cc. 25r-28v. Société de Géographie, Extrait des Règlemens et Circulaires; Paris, 14 decembre, 1827. [In French. Two copies, nested together. Information and rules of membership.]

cc.29r-31v. "Société de Géographie, Commision Centrale"; Paris, 22, 24 juin, 1829. [In French. Two letters, nested together. 31v is inscribed in Beltrami's hand "Sociètè geographique de France." Blank cc: 29v, 30v, 30Ar-v, 31r. Thanks CB for his work and gifts to the society.]

cc.32r-v, 34r-v. "Ateneo di Bergamo," il Presidente Pietro Conte Moroni, 30 Marzo, 1832. [With envelope, 34v. Diploma follows at cc.33. Blank cc: 32v, 34r. Nominates Beltrami for membership in the Ateneo di Bergamo.]

cc.33r-v. Diploma: "Ateneo di Bergamo," 14 aprile, 1832. [Inscribed 33v, possibly in Beltrami's hand, "Ateneo di Bergamo."]

cc.35r-36v. Diploma: "Société Géologique de France," 16 juillet, 1832. [In French. Title page in Beltrami's hand at 35r. Blank cc: 35v, 36v.]

cc.37r-38v. "Société Géologique de France," 5 août, 1834. [with envelope. Blank cc: 37v, 38r. Member bulletin.]

cc.39r-40v. "Société Géologique de France," 24 fevrier, 1838. [In French. With envelope 40v. Blank cc: 40r. Member bulletin and dues bill. 39v contains a draft, in Beltrami's hand, to "Mons le President" regarding society business.]

cc.41r-42v. Diploma: "Société Universelle de Civilisation"; Paris, 21 mars, 1833. [In French. On vellum. Title page in Beltrami's hand at 41r. Blank cc: 41v, 42v.]

cc.43r-44v. Diploma: "Institut Historique de France"; Paris, 9 juin, 1834. [In French. With title page in Beltrami's hand at 43r. With embossed seal. Blank cc: 43v, 44v.]

cc.45r-46v. "Institut Historique," s.d. [In French. Blank cc: 45v, 46r-v. Blank nomination form.]

Back to contents

2. Passaporti e documenti vari. One large folder, with the original order number of 12 (gamma 1 sopra, 3). 16 documents; numbered 3r-20v. Contents include passports and entry visas, often with official seals and embossures, and often mounted together on cotton-fiber paper at an unspecified time in the past. Countries represented include: the various republics of pre-unification Italy and the Papal states, the United States of America, France, Germany, Mexico and Haiti. Contains some blank pages and an initial page provided by Angelo Mai at the start of the collection. "cc" numbers cited refer to numbers in red ink or occasionally in pencil, usually in upper right hand corners or on the backs of the documents (though some are missing here); freestanding blank pages are not annotated. Arranged roughly chronologically. Note: this collection is in need of reboxing to a larger size to prevent folding of documents.

cc.3r-v. "Raccolta di 16 passaporti concessi in varii tempi a G. Costantino Beltrami di Bergamo dal 1813-1849." [Blank cc: 3v. Original title page; inscribed in Beltrami's hand "Ancien passaporti des deux mondes."]

cc.4r-v. Passaporto. "Polizia Generale del Regno in Nome di S.M. Napoleone I, Imperatore de' Francesi e Re d'Italia"; Macerata, 1 ottobre, 1813. [With validations for: Ancona, Macerata, Livorno, 1813-1814.]

cc.5r-v. [in pencil]. Passaporto. "Tommaso dei Duchi Riario Sforza"; Macerata, 16 novembre, 1816. [With validations for: Napoli, Roma, 1816-1817. Needs preservation-unfolding/reboxing.]

cc.6r-v. Passaporto. "D. Tommaso di Somma, Marchese di Circello"; Napoli, 15 marzo, 1817. [With validation for: Napoli.]

cc.7r-v. Passaporto. "In Nome di Sua Santita Papa Pio VII, Felicemente Regnate"; Ancona, 25 ottobre, 1817. [Blank cc: 7v. No validations.]

cc.8r-v. Passaporto. "Noi Giuseppe de Berto per sua sacra Imperiale, e Reale Apostolica Maesta Francesco I"; Ancona, 10 novembre, 1817. [With validations for: Firenze, Viterbo, Perugia, 1817-1818.]

cc.9r-v. Passaporto. "Governo Pontificio"; Macerata, 1 ottobre, 1821. [With validations (attached and on back) for: Parigi, Brussels, Mexico, Firenze, Strasbourg, Genova, Marseille, Frankfurt, Pembina and Hudson Bay, Pueblo Viejo and others, 1821-. This document also contains (9r) the oft-reproduced short poem Beltrami wrote and dedicated to Giulia dei Medici-Spada upon his discovery of the northernmost sources of the Mississippi; dated 31 agosto, 1823. Poem begins: "Fama, che i nomi gloriosi intorno…"]

cc.10r-v. Passaporto. "El Ciudadano Pedro de Sandero, Coronel del Esercito de la Republica Federal Mexicana"; Pueblo Viejo, Mayo 31, 1824. [In Spanish. Blank cc: 10v.]

cc.11r-v. Passaporto. "Aduana Nacional de Pueblo Viejo"; Pueblo Viejo, 11 Julio, 1824. [With notices of monetary transactions on back, 11v.]

cc.12r-v. List of monetary transactions and notes; Mexico, Junio-Agosto, 1824. [In Spanish.]

cc.13r-v. Notices of monetary transactions; Mexico, Agosto-Decembre, 1824. [In Spanish. Blank cc: 13v.]

cc.14r-v. Passaporto. "El Ciudadano Coronel…de las Piedras"; Haxcala, Marzo 12, 1825. [In Spanish. Blank cc: 14v.]

cc.15r-16v. Passaporto. "Republique di Hayti"; 13 fevrier, 1826. [Blank cc: 15v, 16. With unidentified addendum in pencil at bottom of document.]

cc.17r-18v. Letters of introduction/recommendation; Hayti, mars-mai, 1826. [In French.]

cc.19(A)r-v - 19(B)r-v. Passaporto. "In Nome di S.M. il Re delle Due Sicilie &c."; s.d. [Two separated pages. Blank cc: 19Bv. Beltrami appears to have received this passport before leaving the U.S.A. for London from the Washington-based consulate general for the King of Due Sicilie, which would date it around 1826 or 1827. With validations for Bologna, Londres, Heidelberg, Luxembourg, Regensburg, Dresden, Zurich, Ferrara, Coblenz, Stockholm, and others, 1829[?]-1837.]

cc.20r-v. Passaporto. "In Nome di Sua Santita Papa Pio IX"; Firenze, 17 aprile, 1849. [With validations for Heidelberg, Roma, Munchen, Firenze, Genova, Torino, and others, 1849-1850.]

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Corrispondenza [Correspondence]

3. Vol. I, parte 1; Dal 1815-1821. One folder, with the original order number of 1 (gamma 1 sopra, 2/2). 60 documents; numbered 2r-99v. Containing collected correspondence from the early years of Beltrami's life and the entirety of his judicial career. Letters address topics including his friendships with Giulia Spada dei Medici and Luisa Stolberg d'Albany; his judicial career in Filottrano; and the Carbonara controversy and the trial against Beltrami. There are two sets of numbers on these documents, one set in red ink, the other in pencil. "cc" numbers cited herein refer to numbers in pencil, usually in upper right hand corners or on the backs of the documents; freestanding blank pages are not annotated. Arranged roughly chronologically.

cc.2r-3v. Presidente Luzioli a CB; Filottrano, 14 luglio 1816. [With envelope and embossed seal, 3v. From this document through cc.13v were originally tied together with black ribbon. Blank cc: 2v, 3r. Luzioli, then the president of the Filottrano republic, thanks Beltami for the help given to the populace of the area (presumably with the food shortage problems mentioned below), and his humanity and nobel character.]

cc.4r-5v. Presidente Luzioli a CB; Filottrano, 25 ottobre, 1816. [With envelope and embossed seal, 5v. Blank cc: 4v, 5r. Luzioli asking that local landowners (Beltrami started his Azienda in Filottrano in 1814) make grain and corn available to the indigent populace at a low price; asks finally for grain to be given for free to those most in need.]

cc.6r-7v. Gonfaloniere Giuseppe Bonfigli Anziano a CB; Osimo, 2 giugno 1817. [With envelope and seal, 7v. Blank cc: 6v, 7r. Thanks Beltrami for his help to the population (again, probably in their food shortage plight) and asks that he continue with his generosity and furnish a supply of grain.]

cc.8r-9v. Certificato del "Governo Pontificio, Il Gonfaloniere di Macerata"; Macerata, 10 ottobre, 1817. [With stamp, 8r. Blank cc: 9r-v. Certificate from Beltrami's adopted home praises him for his good professional, personal, and moral conduct, calling him a "good, honest and peaceful citizen."]

cc.10r-11v. Giuseppe Rocetti Anziano a CB; Filottrano, 11 novembre, 1817. [Blank cc: 10v, 11r-v. Introduction to the following certificate of esteem given by the people of Macerata.]

cc.12r-13v. Certificato del "Il Gonfaloniere della Comunità di Filottrano Delegazione d'Ancona," 11 settembre, 1817. [With embossed seal, 12r. Blank cc: 12v, 13r-v. Officially recognizes Beltrami for the aid given to the population during the food shortage.]

cc.15r-16v. Lettera di… [illeggibile] a CB, 19 aprile 1815. [With envelope and embossed seal, 16v. Blank cc: 15r. Communicates the "buoni uffici" of the stato pontificio.]

cc.17r-18v. Duca di Montleone a CB; Palermo, 16 maggio, 1817. [With envelope and seal, 18v. Blank cc: 18r. Bemoans Italy's current condition and harkens back to a day when Italy was not just "nice, but strong; when it dominated, but had not yet been dominated." Beltrami would have first met Diego Pignatelli, Duca di Monteleone, then the ambassador to the Napoleonic court of Re Murat (Due Sicilie), in the salotto of the countess d'Albany in Firenze in 1812.]

cc.19r-20v. Duca di Montleone a CB; Palermo, 18 agosto, [1817]. [With envelope and seal, 20v. Blank cc: 20r. Responds to Beltrami's (apparent) assertion in a previous letter (or as Monteleone jokingly puts it, "libercolo") that the world of today is as valuable as that of antiquity. Compares Italy with numerous ancient empires to make his point.]

cc.21r-22v. Duca di Montleone a CB; Palermo, 23 agosto, 1817. [With envelope and seal, 22v. Blank cc: 21r. Typically joking response to Beltrami following the equestrian accident that broke Beltrami's leg and forced him to return to Filottrano, cancelling a planned visit to Monteleone in Sicilia. Partially reproduced in Masi, Costanzi, Eugenia. Giacomo Costantino Beltrami e le sue esplorazioni in America. Firenze: Barbera, 1902. Footnote, p. 6.]

cc.23r-v. Pietro Antonelli a CB; Firenze, 2 aprile, 1818. [With envelope, 23v. Refers to the conspiracy trial waged against Beltrami in the Carbonari affair of 1818. Mentions the transmittal of a letter to "Avvocato Bartolucci" given to Antonelli by Principe Altobrandino.]

cc.24r-25v. Agostino Bartolommei a CB; Firenze, 3 aprile, 1818. [With envelope, 25v. Blank cc: 24v, 25r. Possibly included with the previous letter, also regarding the transmittal of the abovementioned letter.]

cc.26r-v. CB a Beat. Padre, s.d. [Two pages glued together. With envelope, 26v, and embossed seal, 26r. Beltrami requests the right to read and retain prohibited materials from the papal authority. The lower half of the page carries the reply (in Latin), via the secretary to Pio VII, granting permission to do so.]

cc.27r-v. Pietro Antonelli a CB; Firenze, 11 aprile, 1818. [With envelope, 27v. Regarding the trial. Writes with encouragement and mentions many common friends and allies in Beltrami's fight to prove his innocence, along with the letter to Bartolucci.]

cc.28r-29v. Pietro Antonelli a CB; Firenze, 2 maggio, 1818. [With envelope, 29v. An inscription in Beltrami's hand appears on 29v reading "lettere, Albany, Appony, Montemilleto, Monteleone, Antonelli, Gallo, etc.," followed by an inscription in an unidentified hand reading "relativo al Processo intentato contro a Beltrami nel 1818." Blank cc: 28v, 29r. Short note regarding a letter sent to Count Appony, and Antonelli's physical condition.]

cc.30r-31v. A. Appony a CB; Florence, 5 mai, 1818. [In French. Blank cc: 31r-v. Remarks on his willingness and desire to help clear Beltrami's name (probably at the behest of their mutual friend the Countess d'Albany), and his belief that Beltrami will be cleared. Beltrami would have first met Antonio Rodolfo Appony (1782-1852), an influential diplomat and minister for the Austrian government, in the salotto of the Countess d'Albany in Firenze in 1815; he transferred to Roma in 1816.]

cc.32r-33v. Spalazini [?] [con poscritto di.Pisano Grimani Gallo] a Cb; Osimo, 14 maggio, 1818. [With envelope and partial seal, 33v. Blank cc: 33r. Spazalini refers to an offer made to Beltrami for larger storage areas for his harvest of granturco (corn). Gallo refers to the trial, expressing his optimism and support for Beltrami's cause.]

cc.34r-35v. Pietro Antonelli a CB; Firenze, 29 maggio, 1818. [With envelope and seal, 35v. Blank cc: 35r. Regarding the trial and the aid and good wishes given by many mutual friends, including "Principessa Montemiletto," "Santini" and Duca di Monteleone; Beltrami's whereaboouts during this time appear to have been in doubt to Antonelli. Also discusses his (Antonelli's) ongoing malady.]

cc.36r-37v. C. Grimani Gallo a Cb; Osimo, 31 maggio, 1818. [With envelope, 37v. Blank cc: 36v, 37r. Regarding the trial, which appears to have ended by this time, and Gallo's wish to take a short visit (to Roma or Como?), his health permitting.]

cc.38r-v. Pietro Antonelli a CB; Firenze, 9 giugno, 1818. [With envelope, 38v. Still waiting to hear from Beltrami, wonders if his recognized innocence has improved his situation. Expresses his and their mutual friends' happiness at the end of "the farce," but expresses the view that it would be a miracle if they don't continue bothering Beltrami.]

cc.39r-40v. Montemiletto a CB; s. d. [1818]. [With envelope, 40v. Blank cc: 39v, 40r. Writes as a common friend of Antonelli and announces his pleasure at having heard of the end of the proceedings.]

cc.41r-42v. Cardinal Riganti a CB; Ancona, 4 febbraio, 1819. [With envelope, 42v. Blank cc: 41v, 42r. Thanks Beltrami for the gift of 12 libbre (Roman unit of weight, 1 libbre = approx. 327 g.) of butter.]

cc.44r-45v. Alessandro Mancini a CB; Macerata, 24 aprile, 1821. [With envelope, 45v. Blank cc: 44v, 45r. Thanks Beltrami for a sum of six scudi (monetary unit) for la stampa della fu co. Spada.]

cc. 46r-47v. L.D. a CB; Firenze, 7 avril [1818]. [In French. With envelope 47v. Most likely Louisa d'Albany (see next entry for biographical note). Regarding the accusations made by the papal government against Beltrami.]

cc.48r-49v. Louise de Stolberg, Comtesse d'Albany a CB; Firenze, 9 avril [1818]. [In French. With envelope, 49v. Blank cc: 48v, 49r. Regarding the trial against Beltrami; mentions the involvement of Cardinal Consalvi, among others. Louise Maximilienne Caroline de Stolberg, Comtesse d'Albany (1752-1824) unhappily married to Charles Edward Stuart, the so-called "young pretender" until his death in 1788, resided for the majority of her life in Florence, and lived with the poet Vittorio Alfieri until his death in 1803. Her salotto in Firenze attracted many of the greatest literary and political minds of the time, including Lamartine, Chateaubriand, Byron, Foscolo and many others. Beltrami, too, found himself among her good company. She, like Alfieri, is buried in Santa Croce in Florence.]

cc.50r-51v. 25 avril, [1818]. [In French. With envelope, 51v. Blank cc: 50v, 51r. Regarding the trial and that the Cardinal (Consalvi presumably) would recommend Beltrami's case to the Governor.]

cc.52r-53v. 30 avril, [1818]. [In French. With envelope 53v. Blank cc: 52v, 53r. Expressing sympathy regarding Beltrami's legal troubles.]

cc.54r-55v. 9 mai, [1818]. [In French. With envelope and seal, 55v. Blank cc: 55r. Regarding the ongoing trial and the "vague" charges against Beltrami.]

cc.56r-57v. 19 mai, [1818]. [In French. With envelope and seal, 57v. Blank cc: 57r. Regarding the trial.]

cc.58r-59v. 9 juin, 1818. [In French. With envelope, 59v. Blank cc: 59r. Trial appears to have ended through the good will of the Cardinal (Consalvi); expresses her happiness at his fortune.]

cc.60r-61v. 5 janvier, 1819. [In French. With envelope, 61v. Blank cc: 60v, 61r. Regarding her life in Florence; mentions their mutual friend Comtesse Spada.]

cc.62r-63v. 4 [mars, 1820]. [In French. With envelope, 63v. Blank cc: 62v, 63r. Regarding the tribulations of their "dear friend" (presumably Giulia Spada dei Medici, who would die on April 1, 1820).]

cc.64r-66v. 30 mars [1820]. [In French. With envelope, 66v. Blank cc: 64v, 65v, 66r. Also includes a small note in Beltrami's hand, 65r, dated 21 mars, possibly a draft or a letter sent back by Albany. Regarding the suffering of their friend (Spada dei Medici).]

cc.67r-v. 8 avril [1820]. [In French. Blank cc: 67v. Bemoaning the loss of Spada dei Medici.]

cc.68r-69v. CB a Louise d'Albany, 3 avril, 1820. [In French. With envelope addressed and sealed by Louise d'Albany, 69v; possibly this letter is a draft or was sent back to Beltrami (and the envelope is misplaced). Blank cc: 68v, 69r. Announces and bemoans the death of Spada dei Medici.]

cc.70r-71v. Louise de Stolberg, Comtesse d'Albany a CB; Firenze, 15 [avril, 1820]. [In French. With envelope and seal, 71v. Blank cc: 70v, 71r. Regarding Spada dei Medici's death.]

cc.72r-73v. 29 avril [1820]. [In French. With envelope and seal, 73v. Blank cc: 73r. Regarding the death of Spada dei Medici, and the precarious position of the family and children.]

cc.74r-75v. 6 mai [1820]. [In French. With envelope and seal, 75v. Blank cc: 75r. Regarding the recovery of the Spada dei Medici family and the care of the children.]

cc.76r-77v. 16 mai [1820]. [In French. With envelope and seal, 77v. Blank cc: 76v, 77r. Regarding the family arrangements for the Spada dei Medici children.]

cc.78r-79v. Rome, 12 8bre [1820]. [In French. With envelope and partial seal, 79v. Blank cc: 79r. Regarding various sights and places in Rome.]

cc.80r-81v. Rome, 23 8bre [1820]. [In French. With envelope and seal, 81v. Blank cc: 81r. Regarding books sent by Beltrami and her travels.]

cc.82r-83v. Rome, 3 9bre [1820]. [In French. With envelope, 83v. Blank cc: 82r. Regarding her travels and Monsieur Spada.]

cc.84r-85v. 8 janvier [1821]. [In French. With envelope and seal, 85v. Blank cc: 84v, 85r. Wishes him happy new year and an unidentified mutual friend (possibly Spada).]

cc.87. Photograph of above. [Entered into the collection in 1925.]

cc.88r-90v. 28 mars [1820]. [In French. With envelope and seal, 90v. Also includes a letter in Beltrami's hand, 89v-r, dated 24 mars, probably a draft of the letter to which Albany is responding. Blank cc: 90r. Both regarding the sickness and impending death of Spada dei Medici.]

cc.91r-91Av. Firenze, 6 avril, s.a. [In French. With partial envelope, 91Av; year unknown. Blank cc: 91Ar. Asks Beltrami to help an unnamed acquaintance and remarks on Beltrami's ongoing problems.]

cc.92r-93v. 16 [avril], s.a.. [In French. With envelope dated "decembre 25", 93v; unknown correlation; year unknown. Blank cc: 93r. Regarding her request for aid on behalf of the abovementioned acquaintance.]

cc.94r-95v. 22 avril, s.a. [In French. With envelope, 95v; year unknown. Note on 95v in Beltrami's hand "Correspondence de la Comtesse D'Albany." Blank cc: 94v, 95r. Thanks Beltrami for his well-wishes and souvenir; mentions the career of Sandrino.]

cc.96r-97v. 5 mai, s.a. [In French. With envelope, 97v; year unknown. Blank cc: 96v, 97r. Regarding Sandrino and his career.]

cc.98r-99v. 11 mai, s.a. [In French. With envelope, 99v; year unknown. Blank cc: 98v, 99r. Thanks Beltrami for the aid given to her protégé (Sandrino?), and gives her good wishes; mentions both the Carbonari and the Jesuits.]

Back to contents

4. Vol. I, parte 2; In morte della Contessa Giulia Spada dei Medici, 1820. One folder, with the original order number of 2 (gamma 1 sopra, 2/3). 48 documents; numbered 4r-131v. Containing correspondence related to the death of Beltrami's friend Comtessa Giulia Spada dei Medici in 1820 (after whom Beltrami named his discovery in Minnesota) and a memorial booklet compiled for her funeral by friends and members of the scholarly association to which she, and later, Beltrami belonged. Beltrami apparently originally collocated these letters according to region and/or sender, and headings indicating these groupings appear on the backs of some documents in his hand (see particularly cc.47, cc.52, cc.77, cc.99). "cc" numbers refer to the number in red ink on the upper right hand corner of each document; blank pages are not annotated. Arrangement is varied by date and Beltrami's collocated groupings.

cc.4r-37v. Autori Vari. Componimenti in prosa ed in versi de' Catenati recitati nella straordinaria adunanza dei 18 Agosto 1820 ad onorare la memoria dell'illustre Accademica Contessa Giulia Spada Dei Medici dama della Croce Stellata. Macerata: Stamperia Cortesi, 1820. [In Italian, French and Latin. Printed. 64 pp. Compilation of eulogistic writings on Giulia by friends and colleagues in the Accademia dei Catenati, including a verse piece written by Beltrami, entitled "Una visita al cimitero di Macerata" (cc.32r-33v).]

cc.39r-40v. "Corrispondenza sulle elegi funebre in morte di Donna Giulia dei Medici, Comtessa Spada." [Blank cc: 39v, 40r-v. Beltrami's handwritten title page to these letters.]

cc.42r-43v. Michele del [ilate?] a CB; Pavia, 12 9mbre, 1820. [With envelope and partial seal, 43v. Blank cc: 42v, 43r. Thanks Beltrami for the copy of Componementi that he sent around "23 8bre" and remarks on the contents.]

cc.44r-45v. Michel'Angelo Leonardi a CB; Novara, 20 Xmbre, 1820. [With envelope and detached seal, 45v. Blank cc: 44v, 45r. Thanks Beltrami for the copy of Componementi, remarks on the contents, and specifically Beltrami's contribution.]

cc.46r-47v. Giuseppe Barbo a CB; Milano, 14 decbre, 1820. [With envelope and seal, 47v. Blank cc: 47r. Thanks Beltrami for the copy of Componimenti that he sent around "26 ottobre," and explains for the lateness of his reply. Remarks on Beltrami's contribution especially, and discusses recent events in his life. On the back, 46v, in Beltrami's hand, is written "Amico di Milano."]

cc.49r-50v. Cosimo Buonarroti a CB; Firenze, 8 aprile, 1820. [Remarks on the sadness surrounding Spada's death, and events pertaining to mutual friends, including Comtesse d'Albany.]

cc.51r-52v. Martelli a CB; Firenze, 15 aprile, 1820. [With envelope, 52v. Blank cc: 51v, 52r. Remarks on the sadness at the death of Spada, and particularly her unfortunate children. On back of envelope, 52v, in Beltrami's hand, is written "Amici di Firenze e Toscana."]

cc.53r-54v. Tommaso Corsi a CB; Firenze, 2 9mbre, 1820. [With envelope, 54v. Blank cc: 53v, 54r. Regarding the book and those who have received it.]

cc.55r-56v. Firenze, 6 9mbre, 1820. [With envelope, 56v. Blank cc: 56r. Thanks Beltrami for his recent letter, and writes with news of mutual friends.]

cc.57r-58v. G. Torrigiani a CB; Firenze, 9 9bre, 1820. [Blank cc: 57v, 58r-v. Thanks Beltrami for the tribute paid to Spada.]

cc.59r-60v. Cav. Gio. Tommaso Paperini a CB; Cortona, 10 9bre, 1820. [With envelope, 60v. Blank cc: 59v, 60r. Thanks Beltrami for the copy of the memorial and remarks on his continual rereading of the contents.]

cc.61r-62v. Carlotta Scarpone a CB; Firenze, 10 9bre, 1820. [With envelope, 62v. Blank cc: 61v, 62r. Thanks Beltrami for the memorial and complements him on his charity.]

cc.63r-64v. Penelope Tommasi a CB; Cortona, 11 novembre, 1820. [With envelope, 64v. Blank cc: 63v, 64r. Thanks Beltrami for the memorial and compliments him on his personal merit and the feelings that his elogy inspired.]

cc.65r-66v. Luisa Capponi Gondiferretani. a CB; Collelungo 11 novembre. 1820. [With envelope, 66v. Blank cc: 65v, 66r. Remarks on the completeness and emotional impact of the memorial and thanks Beltrami for sending a copy.]

cc.67r-68v. N. [?] Martelli a CB; Firenze, 12 9bre, 1820. [With envelope, 68v. Blank cc: 67v, 68r. Compliments Beltrami on the contents of the memorial and thanks him for the copy.]

cc.69r-70v. Camille Mancini a CB; Perego [?], 15 novembre, 1820. [In French. With envelope, 70v. Thanks Beltrami and compliments him on the memorial.]

cc.71r-72v. Laura Bianchi a CB; Siena, 5 dicem., 1820. [Blank cc: 72r-v. Remarks on her emotional reaction to the work and thanks Beltrami for the same.]

cc.73r-v. G. Torrigiani a CB; Firenze 20 xbre, 1820. [With envelope, 73v. Two separate writings on one page, probably in different hands. First is signed G. Torrigiani, second "La Vostra Torrigiani." Both refer to the memorial and to their mutual friend Bartolommei.]

cc.75r-76v. S. Camerate [?] a CB; Ancona, 12 8bre, 1820. [With envelope, 76v. Blank cc: 75v, 76r. Thanks Beltrami for the memorial on the writer's own behalf and that of the writer's mother.]

cc.77r-v. Bartolommei a CB; Filottrano, 13 ottobre, 1820. [With envelope, 77v. Compliments Beltrami on the memorial. On the back, in Beltrami's hand, is written "Amici dello Stato Pontifizio."]

cc.78r-79v. Caterina Franceschi a CB; Ancona, 13 ottobre, 1820. [With envelope, 79v. Blank cc: 78v, 79r. Thanks Beltrami for the memorial and remarks on the honor of having her song included in the collection (see p. 36).]

cc.80r-81v. Marianna Roberti a CB; Morro, 14 8bre, 1820. [With envelope, 81v. Blank cc: 80v, 81r. Mentions receipt of the memorial booklet, and eagerness to read it.]

cc.82r-83v. Teresa Cinaghi né Fracassetti [?] a CB; S. Maria a Mare, 15 8bre, 1820. [With envelope, 83v. Blank cc: 83r. Thanks Beltrami for the memorial and compliments him on his piece in particular.]

cc.84r-85v. Benedetto Penciconi a CB; Filottrano, 15 8bre, 1820. [With envelope, 85v. Blank cc: 84v, 85r. Compliments and thanks Beltrami for the memorial.]

cc.86r-87v. Gentilina Bandini Eotighi [?]. a CB; Porto S. Elpidio, 19 ottobre, 1820. [With envelope, 87v. Blank cc: 86v, 87r. Compliments and thanks Beltrami for the memorial.]

cc.88r-89v. Matteo Conti Castelli a CB; Bologna 28 ottobre, 1820. [With envelope, 89v. Blank cc: 88v, 89r. Thanks Beltrami and compliments him on his sentiment.]

cc.90r-91v. V.G. Del Monte a CB; Ancona, 31 8bre, 1820. [With envelope, 91v. Thanks Beltrami and briefly mentions cousins of Spada.]

cc.92r-v. Caucci a CB; Roma, 4 9bre, 1820. [With envelope, 92v. Mentions receipt of the memorial and asks Beltrami to come to Roma.]

cc.93r-94v. [illeg.] a CB; Ancona, 18 nov., s.a. [Blank cc: 93v, 94r-v. Expresses thanks for the memorial.]

cc.95r-96v. G.F. De Gennotto a CB; Rome, 12 janvier, 1821. [In French. With envelope, 96v. Blank cc: 95v, 96r. Expresses thanks and esteem at Beltrami's effort.]

cc.97r-98v. Virginia Borbon del Monte S. Maria Sciamanna a CB; [Terni?], s.d. [With envelope, 98v. Blank cc: 98r. Expresses gratitude for the memorial and talks of her feelings for Spada and relates her own visit to Spada's graveside.]

cc.99r-v. "Cardinali, Principi, Ambasciatori, e Relati." [Blank cc: 99v. In Beltrami's hand, heading for grouping on separate page; see introduction to this section for more information.]

cc.100r-101v. Cecilia Giustiniani Bandini a CB; S. Maria in Selva, 9 ottobre, 1820. [With envelope, 101v. Blank cc: 100v, 101r. Thanks Beltrami for the memorial.]

cc.102r-103v. Lod[ovico] Gozzoli a CB; Pesaro, 15 ottobre, 1820. [With envelope, 103v. Blank cc: 102v, 103r. Thanks Beltrami for the memorial.]

cc.104r-105v. Cardinal Brancadoro [?] a CB; Santelpidio, 16 ottobre, 1820. [With envelope, 105v. Blank cc: 104v, 105r. Thanks Beltrami for the memorial and compliments the contents.]

cc.106r-107v. Card. Riganti [?] a CB; Frascati, 17 8bre, 1820. [With envelope, 107v. Blank cc: 106v, 107r. Thanks Beltrami for the memorial and discusses the weather.]

cc.108r-109v. Card. Consalvi a CB; Roma, 18 ottobre, 1820. [With envelope, 109v. Blank cc: 108v, 109r. Briefly thanks Beltrami for the memorial. Ercole Consalvi (1757-1824) was a Cardinal and statesman and during this time secretary of state for Pope Pio VII.]

cc.110r-111v. Santacroce a CB; Tivoli, 20 8bre, 1820. [With envelope, 111v. Blank cc: 111r. Responding for his wife, thanks Beltrami for the memorial and remarks on Beltrami's friendship.]

cc.112r-113v. Comtesse Appony a CB; Rome, 25 ottobre, 1820. [In French. With envelope, 113v. Blank cc: 113r. Thanks Beltrami for the letter and memorial and expresses her best wishes.]

cc.114r-115v. Arciv[escovo] D'Urbino a CB; Urbino, 26, ottobre, 1820. [With envelope, 115v. Blank cc: 115r. Mentions receipt of the memorial and his reaction to it.]

cc.116r-117v. Card. Pelagallo a CB; Osimo, 12 8bre, 1820. [With envelope, 117v. Blank cc: 116v, 117r. Thanks Beltrami for the memorial.]

cc.118r-119v. B. Capelletti [?] a CB; Macerata, 6 9bre 1820. [With envelope, 119v. Blank cc: 118v, 119r. Acknowledges receipt of the memorial, thanks Beltrami and remarks on its contents.]

cc.120r-121v. Montemiletto Carotta CB; Bellosguardo and Firenze, 7 9mbre, 1820. [With envelope, 121v. Blank cc: 120v, 121r. Thanks Beltrami for the memorial and comments on Spada's character.]

cc.122r-123v. Ottavia Odescalchi Rospigliosi a CB; Firenze, 14 9bre, 1820. [With envelope, 123v. Blank cc: 122v, 123r. Relates her sadness at the loss of Spada, and congratulates Beltrami on the memorial.]

cc.124r-125v. Chev. De Lagersward a CB; Florence, 25 novembre, 1820. [In French. With envelope, 125v. Blank cc: 124v, 125r. Thanks Beltrami and compliments Beltrami on the memorial.]

cc.126r-127v. Card. [illeg.], vescovo di Siena [?] a CB; Siena, 2 decembre, 1820. [Blank cc: 126v, 127r-v. Thanks Beltrami for the memorial and remarks on the high quality of the contents.]

cc.128r-129v. N. Corsini a CB; Firenze, 2 Xbre, 1820. [Blank cc: 128v, 129r-v. Thanks Beltrami for the memorial and laments the loss of Spada.]

cc.130r-131v. A. Card. Rivarola a CB; Roma, 13 dicembre 1820. [Blank cc: 130v, 131r-v. Thanks Beltrami for the memorial and compliments him on the contents. Cardinal Agostino Rivarola (1758-1842) was Governatore di Roma during the time of the Carbonari trials and would have brought the charges against Beltrami.]

Back to contents

5. Vol. II; Dalla partenza per l'America, 1821-1834. One folder, with the original order number of 9 (gamma, 1 sopra, 2/4). 99 documents; numbered 3r-318v. Containing correspondence from the indicated years to various friends, acquaintances, and official bodies. Topics addressed are extremely varied; included are documents related to his travels in the Americas; his publishing career; personal correspondence with luminaries of the day, notably Chateaubriand, Lafayette, Lafitte, and others; and a number of official documents (which could be moved if so desired). Many of the documents are bound together with Italian translations made at an unspecified date in the past; all are listed as singular items in the document list with appropriate content notes. "cc" numbers cited herein refer to numbers in red ink, usually in upper right hand corners of the documents; freestanding blank pages are not annotated. Arranged roughly chronologically.

cc.3r-v. Eastern District of Pennsylvania, 18 February, 1823. [In English. With embossed seal, 3r. Certificate of deposit of Beltrami's (herein cited as "James Corestantin Beltrami" [sic]) book Deux Mots sur les Promenades…at the Pennsylvania government's publications office. With handwritten list of expenses on back at 3v, including those related to the book as well as those related to his travels.]

cc.4r-5v. Eastern District of Louisiana, March 16, 1824. [In English. With embossed seal, 5r. Blank cc: 4r, 5v. Certificate of deposit of Beltrami's book Découverte at the Louisiana government's publications office.]

cc.6r-9v. J. Rossignac a CB; Nouvelle Orleans, 10 avril, 1824. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 6r, and envelope, 9v; Rossignac's actual letter begins 8r. Blank cc: 6v, 7r-v, 8v, 9r. Rossignac, then mayor of New Orleans, congratulates Beltrami on his discovery. This letter is reprinted in Notizie e lettere, 1865, p.110 (see below, Miscellenea, or the Main Bibliography).]

cc.10r-13v. Horatio Davis a CB; New Orleans, April 12, 1824. [In English, with an attached Italian translation, 10r, and envelope 13v; Davis's actual letter begins 12r. Blank cc: 10v, 11r-v, 12v, 13r. Official thanks for Découverte, and congratulations and best wishes on behalf of the Louisiana Senate. This letter is reprinted in Notizie e lettere, 1865, p.111.]

cc.14r-17v. Canonge, Greffier de la Chambre des rapresentants de l'Etat de la Louisiane, a CB; Nouvelle Orleans, 13 avril, 1824. [In French, with an attached Italian translation, 14r-v, and envelope, 17v; Canonge's actual letter begins 16r. Blank cc: 15r-v, 17r. Official thanks for Découverte, and congratulations and best wishes on behalf of the Louisiana House of Representatives (Chambre des Représentants). This letter is reprinted in Notizie e lettere, 1865, p.111.]

cc.18r-21v. M.B. Robertson a CB; Nouvelle Orleans, 21 avril, 1824. [In French, with an attached Italian translation, 18r, and envelope, 21v; Robertson's actual letter begins 20r. Blank cc: 18v, 19r-v, 20v, 21r. Robertson, then Governor of Louisiana, thanks Beltrami for the copy of Découverte and praises it. This letter is reprinted in Notizie e lettere, 1865, p.113.]

cc.22r-v. Franciscus Eduardus à Trasguerras a CB; Civitate Calayensis, 15 Februarii 1825. [In Latin. With numerous seals, 22v. Regarding a book Beltrami purchased in Mexico; possibly relates to the Evangelarium Aztecum.]

cc.23r-v. CB a mons. W.H. Keating et aux Mes. Carey et Lea; Philadelphia, 16 juilliet, [1825]. [In French. Probably a draft; requests an explanantion of a note included on p.314 of Major Long's Second Expedition which dismissed Beltrami's participation in the expedition as that of a frivolous, uninvited and nameless "Italian." Also contains this note on the back, 23v: "11 7bre j'ai ecrit de nouveau a Mess. Walsh et Long."]

cc.24r-25v. Carey and Lea to CB; Philadelphia, July 15, 1825. [In English. With envelope, 24v. Blank cc: 24v, 25r. Reply from Carey and Lea (probably publishers of Major Long's Second Expedition) to Beltrami's above request, suggests he apply to Long himself for an explanation.]

cc.26r-27v. W.H. Keating to CB; Philadelphia, July 15, 1825. [In English. With envelope, 27v. Blank cc: 26v, 27r. Reply from Keating (member of Long's expedition) to Beltrami, suggests that he the note was written by Long and was inserted under his orders.]

cc.28r-v. CB Mons. le Major Long; Philadelphia, 19 juillet, 1825. [In French. Draft copy. Responds vehemently to Long's abovementioned assertion and demands an explanation.]

cc.29r-30v. Thomas Jefferson a CB; Monticello, July 24, 1825. [In English. With envelope, 30v. Blank cc: 29v, 30r. Jefferson thanks Beltrami for the copy of Découverte, and apologizes for the delay in responding owning to "disabilities of age and infirmities"; Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) was the author and original signer of the Declaration of Independence in the United States, the nation's third president from 1801-1809, and was at this point retired at his Virginia estate Monticello; he died in 1826.]

cc.31r-v. CB a Mr. Robert Walsh Jr. of Philadelphia; New York, 28 juillet, 1825. [In French. Draft copy. Responds to an article written by Walsh 12 August, 1824 in the National Gazette which criticized Beltrami for his find (see section below, "Giornale che parlano…"), pointing out the flaws in the work of Lewis and Clark, along with those of Pike and Cass as justification. Signed Jacques Costantin Beltrami.]

cc.32r-33v. John H Stue a CB; Saratoga Springs, 26 August, 1825. [In English. With envelope, 33v. Blank cc: 33r. Thanks Beltrami for a copy of Découverte and a number of minerals; remarks that he finds the book a "work of much merit." Also mentions that he has placed some copies of it in his bookstore, but mentions the need for an English translation; promises to send him any "Indian implements" he can locate.]

cc.34r-35v. Jose Ramon Guerra a CB; Guanas, Feb. 14, 1825. [In Spanish. Blank cc: 35r-v. Offers help and mentions Beltrami's Mississippi discovery.]

cc.36r-37v. Celaya, 13 enero, 1825. [In Spanish. Blank cc: 37r. Recommends Beltrami to several other citizens among them Sor. Fontange (see below).]

cc.38r-39v. Jose Ramon Guerra a Sor. Fontane; Celaya, 31 enero, 1825. [In Spanish. With envelope, 39r. Blank cc: 38v, 39v. Letter of reference for Beltrami.]

cc.40r-41v. Guadalupe Victoria a CB; Mey.co. [Mexico], enero 17, 1825. [In Spanish. Blank cc: 41r-v. Thanks Beltrami for the book and apologizes somewhat for the conditions in Mexico.]

cc.42r-v. "Per ambulateur intrèpide..." [In French. Blank cc: 42v. Anonymous poem written for Beltrami praising his spirit of adventure and achievements.]

cc.43r-52v. CB aux Mess.rs de la Revue Encyclopédique, Paris; Londres, 29 [?], 1827. [In French. Blank cc: 52r. This long letter to the Revue Encyclopédique--with whom Beltrami enjoyed frequent correspondence--addresses numerous topics, including: the Revue's treatment of Découverte and Beltrami's French proficiency; the Aztec language Evangelarium Beltrami found during his Mexico journeys, and his theory of the Asian or Egyptian origins of Aztec hieroglyphics; paintings with Aztec inscriptions Beltrami found in a convent depicting various events in the conquest of Mexico by the conquistadores; thanks to the Revue for addressing his observations; the current political, economic and social status of the United States; a general discussion of politics and societal structures; the republic of Haiti and its political and social structures; and a final plea for even-handed treatment of his subsequent works.]

cc.53r-55v. Chateaubriand a CB; Paris, 22 juin, 1829. [In French. With original content note page provided by Angelo Mai, 53r; Chateaubriand's actual letter appears 54r. Blank cc: 53v, 54v, 55r-v. Thanks Beltrami for the gift (presumably Découverte), and remarks that he wants to use the work to enrich his own book, le Voyage. Beltrami made a frequent complaints about the alleged plagiarism of Découverte by Chateaubriand (though these were mitigated somewhat by Chateaubriand's crediting of Beltrami as a source) as well as by James Fenimore Cooper. Francois René Chateaubriand (1768-1848) was a writer, politician and ambassador. He first visited the United States in 1791, and drew much of his material for such books as Atala, Natchez and the semi-autobiographical René, from this short tour, which he later augmented with details from Beltrami's works.]

cc.57r-59v. Jullien a CB; luglio 2, 1829. [In French, with an attached Italian synopsis, 57r, and envelope, 59v; Jullien's letter appears 58r. Blank cc: 57v, 59r. Discusses Beltrami's potential membership in the Société de Géographie through the help of Chateaubriand.]

cc.61r-v. Jose Ramon Guerra a CB; Celaya, dicembre 30, 1829. [In Spanish. Blank cc: 61v. Regarding the transmission of a box to Beltrami (possibly the plant and flora samples he collected while in Mexico.]

cc.62r-64v. A. Appony a CB; 14 fevrier 1830. [In French, with an attached Italian synopsis 62r; Appony's letter appears 63r. Blank cc: 62v, 64r-v. Mentions that he has received four copies of Le Mexique, and thanks him for them; mentions his plans to give them to various parties, including "l'Empereur," but adds that he expects Beltrami's works to be prohibited by governmental bodies.]

cc.66r-67v. CB al Sig. Conte D'Appony; Paris, 16 fev., 1830. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 66r; Beltrami's letter, probably a draft copy, appears 67r. Blank cc: 66v, 67v. Responding to the above letter, thanking Appony for his help and recommending that he do as he wish with the copy of Le Mexique for "l'Empereur," and suggesting the Comte de Leibselder as another likely reader.]

cc.69r-71v. Andrieux, Secrétaire Perpétuel de l'Académie Française a CB; s.d. [1830]. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 69r, and envelope, 71v; actual letter appears 70r. Blank cc: 69v, 70v, 71r. This short letter from the secretary of the Institut de France, Académie Française acknowledges receipt of, and thanks Beltrami for, his work Le Mexique, and mentions its placement in the library of the Institut. François Guillaume Jean Stanislas Andrieux (1759-1833) was a French author and professor of literature at the Collège de France; he became perpetual secretary of the academy in 1829.]

cc.73r-75v. Directeur de l'Académie Française a CB; fev., 25, 1830. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 73r, and envelope, 75v; Directeur's letter appears 74r. Blank cc: 73v, 75r. Thanks Betrami for the copy of Le Mexique.]

cc.77r-79v. arch. d[u?] Malines [?] a CB; Paris, 25 fev., 1830. [In French. With an attached note in Italian, 77r, and envelope 79v; actual letter appears 78r. Blank cc: 77v, 78v, 79r. Thanks Beltrami for the copy of his book.]

cc.81r-84v. Cuvier, Secrétaire Perpétuel de l'Académie Royale des Sciences a CB; Paris, 1 mars, 1830. [In French. With an Italian translation 81r, and envelope, 84v; letter appears 83r. Blank cc: 81v, 82r-v, 83v, 84r. This short letter from the secretary of l'Académie Royale des Sciences thanks Beltrami for Le Mexique and mentions that it has been deposited in the library of the institut. Baron Georges Léopold Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert Cuvier (1769-1832) was one of the most prominent French naturalists, made secretary of the Institut in 1803; placed on the council of the Imperial University by Napoleon in 1808; and made chancellor of the same later in life.]

cc.85r-87v. Chateaubriand a CB; Paris, 2 mars, 1830. [In French. With attached Italian translation, 85r; Chateaubriand's letter appears 86r. Blank cc: 85v, 87r-v. Acknowledges receipt of Beltrami's book, and mentions that he has made its existence known to various journals, stating that explorers have a particular right to French courtesy and benevolence. This letter is reprinted in Notizie e lettere, p.95; there is also a photographic reproduction in: Fabietti, Ettore. "Una Gloria Italiana rivendicata. G. Costantino Beltrami." Le Vie d'Italia e dell'America Latina 38 (1 marzo, 1932): 245 (see Main Bibliography).]

cc.89r-91v. Benjamin Constant a CB; Paris, 3 mars, 1830. [In French. With an Italian translation, 89r, and envelope, 91v; Constant's letter appears 90r. Blank cc: 89v, 90v, 91r. Acknowledges that he has received Le Mexique and that he will read it as soon as he has the free time. Benjamin Constant (1767-1830) was a writer and politician and was one of the most visible of the French liberal party; he was elected to parliament in 1819, and later became president of the cabinet (consiglio di stato) of Louis Philippe.]

cc.93r-95v. Chateaubriand a CB; 10 mars, 1830. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 93r; Chateaubriand's letter appears 94r. Blank cc: 93v, 94v, 95r-v. Expresses his wish to aid Beltrami, and that he will talk again to the Propriétaire des Debats, but that literature is at this moment completely overshadowed by recent political events. Reproduced in Notizie e lettere, p.96.]

cc.97r-99v. CB a Mons. le Redacteur in chef du journal des Debats; Paris, mars 21, 1830. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 97r, and envelope, 99v; Beltrami's letter appears 98r. Blank cc: 97v, 98v, 99r-v. Beltrami complains that the journal didn't report the review of Le Mexique made by Baron Roussin which was covered so favorably in other journals, including il Moniteur, la Quotidienne, il Messager, l'Echo and others.]

cc.100r-v. Copia 1. [Blank cc: 100v.]

cc.101r-v. Copia 2. [Blank cc: 101v.]

cc.103r-105v. Lafayette a CB; Paris, 7 avril, 1830. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 103r, and envelope, 105v; Lafayette's letter appears 104r. Blank cc: 103v, 104v, 105r. Thanks Beltrami for the trust shown him, and reports on his schedule and his desire to see Beltrami. Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Metier, Marquis de Lafayette (1757-1834) was a noted politician and military leader of nobel birth, who played integral roles in the French Revolution in 1789, and the Revolution in France in 1830; he led an extremely active political life in the French parliament for the majority of his life. Lafayette is equally known for his role in the American Revolution in 1777, when he departed France surreptitiously to lead an American division of soldiers as Major-General, befriending in the process president George Washington. He took numerous trips to the United States, the last in 1824 and 1825, contemporaneous with Beltrami's visit, and held an association with the Carbonari movement. This letter is reprinted in Notizie e lettere, p.99-100.]

cc.107r-110v. Ambassade d'Autriche [possibly d'Appony] a CB; 1830. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 107r; letter appears cc.109. Blank cc: 107v, 108r-v, 109v, 110r-v. Stamped "Ambassade d'Autriche," but not autographed. Regarding sending a collection of minerals for the "Archiduc Jean" and the "Johanneum de Gratz."]

cc.111r-113v. CB al Presedente della Académie des Sciences; Paris, 25 avril, 1830. [In French. With an attached Italian traslation, 111r-v; Beltrami's letter appears 112r. Blank cc: 112v, 113r-v. Regarding the transmittal of the Evangelarium Aztecum manuscript written on agave leaf papyrus which Beltrami discovered in Mexico (See Main Bibliography, Biondelli, 1860), along with some other curiousities. Reprinted in Notizie e lettere, p.100-102, where it is noted (as it is on the Italian translation at cc.111) that the Académie des Sciences did not accept the manuscript, which instead was acquired by Biondelli, then director of the Museo Numismatico di Milano and its eventual publisher.]

cc.114r-v. Nomine del'Academie des sciences, 25 avril, 1830. [Blank cc: 114v. Translation of missing or otherwise unspecified document concerning the nomination of new members (none are Beltrami) to the Académie des Sciences. Reprint of original document, in French, can be found in Notizie e lettere, p.102.]

cc.115r-117v. CB al Presedente c.s.; Paris, 10 mai, 1830. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 115r-v; letter appears 116r. Blank cc: 116v, 117r-v. Offers the Académie fourteen small pictures which represent the chronology of ancient Mexico and its kings; he relates that the pictures contain numerous hieroglyphs and should interest scholars in diverse fields. Reprinted in Notizie e lettere, p.103-104.]

cc.119r-120v. Lafayette a CB; 21 juin, 1830. [In French. With envelope, 120v. Blank cc: 119v, 120r. Acknowledges receipy of Le Mexique and thanks Beltrami for the same; remarks on their common ties to the United States.]

cc.121r-122v. CB al Conte d'Appony; Parigi, 21 giugno, [s.a. 1830?]. [With attached title page, 121r. Blank cc: 121v, 122v. Short note regarding copies of his book (Le Mexique?) appears 122r.]

cc.124r-126v. Conte d'Appony a CB; Paris, 2 août, 1830. [In French. With Italian translation, 124r, and envelope, 126v; letter appears 125r. Blank cc: 124v, 125v, 126r. Tells Beltrami that he was not able to secure an invitation for Beltrami for the ouverture des chambres.]

cc.128r-129v. CB al Conte d'Appony; Parigi, 10 août, 1830. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 128r-v; letter appears 129r. This apparent draft copy expresses Beltrami's wish to offer his services to the government and Emperor, and give them the benefit of his wide knowledge of the peoples of the world in all their multiplicity. He appeals to Appony as the protector of his innocence (presumably during the Carbonari affair) and one who is aware of his true intentions. He adds in a postscript a note about his preface to Pilgrimage, where he discusses his feelings on the Jesuits and Charles X, and page 110, vol. 2, where he speaks of the "impossible republic of Europe." Also adds on the 18th that he is going to the Pyrenees for a scientific expedition. Beltrami is likely offering his services to the newly enthroned (as of August 2, 1830) "liberal" King Louis Philippe, who was supported by, among others, Lafayette, Constant and Lafitte (see biographical notes elsewhere in this finding aid).]

cc.131r-133v. A. Chambolle, Secrétaire all Présidence, Chambre des Députés a CB; Paris, 31 août, 1830. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 131r; Chambolle's letter appears 132r. Blank cc: 131v, 131(A)r-v, 132v, 133r-v. Explains the confusion over two copies of Le Mexique that Beltrami sent and the lack of thanks from the previous secretary, Roger Collard.]

cc.134r-136v. J. Laffitte a CB; Paris, 1 septembre, 1830. [In French. With an Italian translation, 134r; Lafitte's letter appears 135r. Blank cc: 134v, 135v, 136r-v. Acknowledges receipt of Le Mexique and remarks that he has been unfortunately too busy to cultivate a friendship with Beltrami who comes highly recommended by his best friends. Offers to supply letter of introduction for Beltrami in the départemens. Jacques Lafitte (1767-1844) was a politician and influential banker, at one time governor of the Bank of France; his house was the headquarters of the Revolutionary Party in 1830, and he helped secure his nomination of Louis Philippe. He had close ties to Lafayette and was a long-time supporter of Italian independence. This letter is reprinted in Notizie e lettere, p.102-103.]

cc.138r-140v. Guizot, Le Ministre Sécrétaire d'Etat du département de l'Intérieur, a CB; Paris, 3 septembre, 1830. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 138r; Guizot's letter begins 139r. Blank cc: 138v, 139v, 140r-v. Thanks Beltrami for the copy of Le Mexique and assures him that he will read it when time allows. Francois Pierre Guillaume Guizot (1787-1874) was an historian and statesman; minister of the interior after the first restoration; leader of the Doctrinaires, who sought a medium between absolutism and monarchism; a vocal opponent of Charles X, but later an ardent opponent of democracy from 1830 onwards; and a member of three of France's five Académies.]

cc.142r-143v, 145r-v. Le Comte de Montlosier a CB; 5 mars, 1831 [?]. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 142r, and an envelope at 145v; Montlosier's letter appears 143r. Blank cc: 142v, 143v, 145r. Thanks him for the copy of Le Mexique, and that he expects it to give him great pleasure when he reads it. François Dominique de Reynaud, Comte de Montlosier (1755-1838) was a publisher, politician, ardent anti-Jesuit, and vocal critic of Charles X.]

cc.144r-v. CB a Montlosier, 1831 [?]. [In French. United with above letter. Beltrami explains in this draft copy that he is no longer a Pauvre Pelerin (poor pilgrim), but rather now in search of employment; discusses his qualifications and what he would like to do.]

cc.147r-152v. Cuvier, Le Sécrétaire perpétuel de l'Académie Royale des Sciences, a CB; Paris, 7 mars, 1831. [In French. With attached Italian translation, 147r, and two envelopes, 151v, 152v; two duplicate copies of the letter appear 149r, 150r. Blank cc: 147v, 148r-v, 149v, 150v, 151r, 152r. Regarding the manuscript and other objects that Beltrami deposited with the Institut which will be tramsmitted to his banker M. Caccia after examination; also invites Beltrami to detail further his observations of a lizard with two heads which he mentioned in his letter.]

cc.153r-155v. Laffitte a CB, 23 mars, 1831. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 153r; Lafitte's letter appears 154r. Blank cc: 153v, 154v, 155r-v. Says that he doesn't believe he has received some some of the letters that Beltrami sent, or at least doesn't remember them; adds that he has returned to private life and would be happy to receive him.]

cc.157r-159v. Lafayette a CB; Paris, 8 avril, 1831. [In French. With attached Italian translation, 157r, and envelope, 159v; Lafayette's letter appears 158r. Blank cc: 157v, 158v, 159r. Letterhead reads Comité Central en faveur des Polonais. Acknowledges the receipt of 250 francs that Beltrami sent to the Committee for Polish Independence. Lafayette was President of this committee, and his last act in Parliament was on behalf of the Polish struggle for independence. This letter is reproduced in Notizie e lettere, p.98-99.]

cc.161r-162v. CB a Monsieur le Président del'Académie Des Sciences (Institut); Paris, 6 mai, 1831. [In French. Annotated at bottom of 161v "Copie Conforme" in Beltrami's hand. Blank cc: 162r-v. Beltrami responds to the previous letter and provides more details regarding the two-headed lizard he found in a detailed, natural-historical style.]

cc.163r-166v. Geoffroy de St. Hilaire a CB; Paris, 10 mai, 1831. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 163r, and envelope, 166v; St.Hilare's letter appears 165r. Blank cc: 163v, 164r-v, 165v, 166r. Regarding the lively reception Beltrami's discussion of the two-headed lizard recevied at the Institut.]

cc.167r-169v. Cabinet du Roi; Paris, 13 mai, 1831. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 167r; letter appears 168r. Blank cc: 167v, 169r-v. Informs Beltrami that his letter was seen by his majesty the King and transmitted directly to the Ministre du Commerce et du traveux publics; presumably regarding Beltrami's offer of his services to Louis Philippe (see above, cc.128-129).]

cc.171r-v. "Descrizione di una lucertola bicefala presentata all'Accademia delle Scienze a Paris, Istoria di questo animale straordinario." [Blank cc: 171v. In Beltrami's hand on blue paper, possibly original title page from his organizational scheme; nothing attached, but description follows in next document.]

cc.175r-176v. Messager des Chambres, n. 137, 18 mai, 1831. [In French. Copy of printed bulletin, annotated in the margins in Beltrami's hand on 175r, which announces events at the Académie Des Sciences at 176v, column 1, near bottom; here appears Beltrami's discussion of the two-headed lizard.]

cc.177r-179v. Cuvier, Le Sécrétaire perpétuel de l'Académie Royale des Sciences, a CB; Paris, 23 mai, 1831. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 177r, and envelope, 179v; Cuvier's letter appears 178r. Blank cc: 177v178v, 179r. Acknowledges receipt of the two-headed lizard, says that there has been a committee named to study it, and thanks Beltrami.]

cc.181r-182v. Laffitte a CB; Paris, 5 juillet, 1831. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 181r; Lafitte's letter appears 182r. Blank cc: 181v, 182v. Thanks Beltrami for his congratulations.]

cc.183r-184v. "Mr. & Madame Laffitte prient Mr. Beltrami de leur faire l'honneur de venir diner chez eux; 5 jouill., 1831." [In French. Blank cc: 183v, 184r-v. Dinner invitation for 7 juillet, 1831.]

cc.187r-191v. Laffitte a CB; 15 septembre, 1831. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 187r, of Lafitte's letter which appears 188r; also contains a second enclosed letter of the same date, 189r. Blank cc: 187v, 188v, 189v, 190r-v, 191r-v. First letter (188r) remarks that since retiring from his affairs, he feels isolated from his old correspondents, and further recommends that during his trip to the Pyrenees, he should visit the town of Bagnères-de-Bigorre and pay a visit to his friend M. Graciette. Second letter (189r) is recommendation to (presumably) M. Graciette, regarding Beltrami's visit and good character.]

cc.193r-195v. Chateaubriand a CB; Paris, 9 décembre, 1831. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 193r, and envelope, 195v; Chateaubriand's unsigned letter appears 194r. Blank cc: 193v, 194v, 195r. Chateaubriand informs Beltrami that the book he has asked for remains in Switzerland with a number of other books he wants to import, but that he expects soon to find it.]

cc.197r-199v. Paris, 14 Xbre., 1831. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 197r, and envelope, 199v; Chateaubriand's unsigned letter appears 198r. Blank cc: 197v, 198v, 199r. Invites Beltrami to visit.]

cc.201r-203v. A. Appony a CB; 15 fevrier, 1832. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 201r, and envelope, 203v; Appony's letter appears 202r. Blank cc: 201v, 203r. Relays the news that he has received the cassa (chest) addresses to M. Anker, and will send them to Vienna; also thanks him on behalf of his wife for the gifts, specifically the black pearls, which are a true object of curiousity.]

cc.205r-206v. Agostino Salvioni, Segretario dell'Ateneo di Bergamo, a CB; [14 apr., 1832]. [Blank cc: 205v, 206r-v. Congratulates Beltrami on his work and the honor it shows to his homeland.]

cc.207r-209v. A. Appony a CB; 15 avril, 1832. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 207r; Appony's letter appears 208r. Blank cc: 207v, 209r-v. Thanks Beltrami for all the interest and friendship shown to he and his wife, and expresses some doubts about their current situation.]

cc.211r-213v. Giovanni Colleoni a CB; 20 aprile, 1832. [With attached Italian synopsis, 211r, and envelope, 213v; Colleoni's letter appears 212r. Blank cc: 211v, 212v, 213r. Colleoni informs Beltrami of his nomination to the Ateneo di Bergamo on 14 aprile, 1832 (See Biografia/Diplomi accademici, cc.33.). Also mentions that they have received the copies of his book that he donated to the Municipio, Conte Moroni and Colleoni, and though banned by the Viennese government, they were deposited in the Biblioteca di Bergamo.]

cc.215r-217v. CB al Conte d'Appony; Paris, 2 mai, 1832. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 215r; Beltrami's letter appears 216r. Blank cc: 215v, 217r-v. Asks Appony's assistance, as representative of the Austrian government in Paris, in overcoming the censorship of his works (referring specifically Le Mexique and Pilgrimage), especially in Bergamo, complaining that they were confiscated in Milano and Vienna; requests their return to him, and cites reasons why this would be a prudent move.]

cc.219r-220v. CB au President de l'Académie Des Sciences; Paris, 15 juillet, 1832 [220r]; Paris, 13 août, 1832 [220v]. [In French. Two separate draft letters on one sheet, with an Italian translation, 219r, of the the letter that appears at 220r. Blank cc: 219v. Both front and back drafts request that the two-headed lizard be returned.]

cc.222r-223v. Laffitte a CB; Paris, 18 septembre, 1832. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 222r; Lafitte's letter appears 223r. Blank cc: 222v, 223v. Informs Beltrami that he has sent to the redacteur of the Courrier Française a copy of the letter regarding the two-headed lizard so they may report on it.]

cc.224r-v. Secrétaire de M. Laffitte a CB, s.d. [In French. Small scrap of paper communicates the interest of Courrier Française.]

cc.227r-v. "Ai signori Colleoni gio [?] =Salvioni d'Agostino=e Moroni Conte …" [Blank cc: 227v. Library's title page, no year given.]

cc.228r-v. CB ai signori Conte Colleoni, s.d.; Conte Salvioni, s.d.; Conte Moroni, 23 luglio, 1832. [Three separate draft letters appear on single double-sided page. Letter to Colleoni gives details about his biography and discusses his belief that he was plagiarized by the illustrious Cooper. To Salvioni he relates his genealogical roots in France. He thanks Moroni for the diploma, mentions the Cenomano Italiano (possibly his masonic connections), and discusses his current projects in the Pyrenees and with the Istituto. P.S. discusses how he plans to send these letters.]

cc.229r-230v. CB al Sig. Conte Moroni, Podestà di Bergamo; Parigi, 24 luglio, 1832. [Blank cc: 230v. Refined draft of the above letter to Moroni.]

cc.232r-233v. CB au President de l'Académie Des Sciences; Paris, 13 août, 1832. [In French. Blank cc: 233v. Beltrami complains about an article which attributed the ownership of the two-headed lizard to Geoffrey S. Hilaire, and that the lizard was dissected without his being present.]

cc.234r-v. Abbozzo, 13 août, 1832. [In French.]

cc.235r-237v. …[illeggible] a CB; Charenton St. Maurice, 19 août, 1832. [In French. With envelope, 237v. Blank cc: 235v, 236v, 237r. Regarding a reconciliation between Beltrami and Geoffrey St. Hilaire.]

cc.239r-242v. Dulong, Secrétaire perpétuel de l'Académie Des Sciences a CB; Paris, 20 août, 1832. [In French. Blank cc: 239v, 242v. Cover letter and official report on the existence of the two-headed lizard made on 23 juillet, 1832. Also remits the lizard to Beltrami.]

cc.244r-248v. CB au President de l'Académie Des Sciences; 26 agosto, 1832. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 244r; a first, short draft of first section appears at 245r-246v; the full draft from which the translation was taken appears 247r-248v. Blank cc: 246v, 248r. Regarding the lizard, with the sections written on various dates. The first section (26 août, 1832) expresses thanks for the above report, but seeks to correct a number of mistakes contained therein; the second section (18 août, 1832) expresses his displeasure regarding the ownership of the lizard and the dissection issue; the last (2 7bre, 1832) is a thanks for the the Académie's decision to send back the lizard. Also contains hand copied addition at bottom of Dulong's reply of 10 septembre, 1832 (see below); and inscription on back (248v) in Beltrami's hand "Correspondence pour l'affaire du Lezard bicephale, confiè a l'Institut."]

cc.249r-251v. Dulong, Secrétaire perpétuel de l'Académie Royale Des Sciences a CB; 10 septembre, 1832. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 249r, and envelope, 251v; Dulong's letter appears 250r. . Blank cc: 249v, 250v, 251r. Thanks Beltrami for the lizard on behalf of the academy.]

cc.252r-253v. CB a MM. Lafayette, Laffitte, Odillon Barot [sic], et Jullien; 11 sept, 1832. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 252r; letter appears 253r. Blank cc: 252v, 253v. Complains that the above report impinges on his dignity and political situation, wondering how someone who's country has always welcomed the French can be so abused and denigrated; asks that his correspondents help him to defend himself against these denigrations.]

cc.255r-257v. CB au Mons. Le Redacteur en chef de Temps; Paris, 18 8bre, 1832. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 255r, and envelope, 257v; letter appears 256r. Blank cc: 255v, 257r. Appeals to the Temps regarding the remarks of St. Hilaire published in the journal, and asks that he be given a chance to publish a refutation to them, citing especially his political situation.]

cc.259r-261v. Jullien a CB; 16 7mbre, 1832. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 259r-v, and envelope, 261v; Jullien's letter appears 260r. Blank cc: 261r. Mentions his wife's failing health and refers him to the new editors of the Revue Encyclopédique for help, as he finds his influence in the world of journalism now very diminished.]

cc.263r-265v. I. Fabre, Secrétaire de M. O. Barrot; 18 7mbre, 1832. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 263r, and envelope, 265v; letter appears 264r; letter from Beltrami (or draft) appears 264v. Blank cc: 263v, 265r. Fabre says that Barrot is currently away from Paris for the remainder of the season and that it is therefore impossible to be of any help. Camille Hyacinthe Odilon Barrot (1791-1873) was a French political man and constitutional monarchist who came to prominence during the July Revolution in 1830.]

cc.267r-268v. Lafayette a CB; La Grange, 17 8bre, 1832. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 267r; Lafayette's letter appears 268r; (envelope for this letter appears 271v). Blank cc: 267v, 268v. Says that he would be happy to help, but is away; he suggests taking the matter up with some scientific journals and St. Hilaire himself.]

cc.269r-270v. CB a Monsieur Le Général [probably Lafayette], Paris, 22 8bre, [1832]. [In French. In this apparent draft letter, Beltrami bemoans that the journals Le National, Le Temps, Courrier Francais, Le Messager have all reported the "injurious" remarks of St. Hilaire, and relates that Lafitte has intervened on his behalf with the Courrier Francais (see 222-224).]

cc.273r-275v. Lafayette a B; La Grange, 8 9mbre, 1832. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 273r, and envelope, 275v; Lafayette's unsigned letter appears 274r. Blank cc: 273v, 274v, 275r. Announces Lafayette's return to Paris for the opening of the (legislative) session, and would like to receive Beltrami in the next week.]

cc.277r-279v. Laffitte a CB; Paris, 17 fevrier, 1833. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 277r; Laffitte's letter appears 278r. Blank cc: 277v, 278v, 279r-v. Tells Beltrami that the Chambre has decided to render him justice on the strength of his case.]

cc.281r-283v. Chateaubriand a CB; Paris, 3 mars, 1833. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 281r; Chateaubriand's letter appears 282r. Blank cc: 281v, 283r-v. Short letter remarking on the transatlantic world and the new epoch of social transformation. Reprinted in Notizie e lettere, p.96-97.]

cc.285r-288v. Jullien a CB; Paris, 16 mai, 1834. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 285r-286v; Jullien's letter appears 287r. Blank cc: 288v. Remarks that he has read Beltrami's letter regarding Italy and found it very affecting; lists copius inspirational sources for Beltrami, towns, geographical locations, people and poets; praises him for his couragious imprudence and disinterested virtue, his devotion to freedom for the populace, and more; and urges him to publish the work immediately, referring him to an old associate, M. Bulos, who publishes the Revue des deux mondes (possibly refers to Beltrami's future publication L'Italie et l'Europe, 1834, later translated as L'Italia, ossia scoperte fatti dagli Italiani; see Main Bibliography). Reprinted in Notizie e lettere, p.106-110.]

cc.290r-292v. Chateaubriand a CB; Paris, 22 mai, 1834. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 290r-v, and envelope, 292v; Chateaubriand's letter appears 291r. Blank cc: 292r. Remarks that he has read Beltrami's letter regarding Italy, and found it very interesting (again, possibly refers to Beltrami's future publication L'Italie et l'Europe). Reprinted in Notizie e lettere, p.97-98.]

cc.294r-v. Small fragment from "Le Secrétaire de M. Laffitte"; s.d. [In French. Blank cc: 294v. On behalf of Lafitte.]

cc.295r-296v. CB a Chateaubriand; Paris, 23 mai, 1834. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 295r; Beltrami's letter appears 296r. Blank cc: 295v. Thanks Chateaubriand for his understanding regarding the state of Italy, and an article written by Beltrami (see note above regarding L'Italie et l'Europe).]

cc.297r-299v. CB a Chateaubriand; Paris, 21 mai, 1834. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 299r; Chateaubriand's letter appears 297r. Blank cc: 298r-v, 299v. Submits to Chateaubriand the abovementioned article, and requests information regarding getting it published.]

cc.300r-302v. Chateaubriand a CB; Paris, 26 mai, 1834. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 300r, and envelope, 302v; Chateaubriand's unsigned letter appears 301r. Blank cc: 300v, 301v, 302r. Compliments Beltrami and sympathizes with him about his isolation.]

cc.304r-306v. D'Appony a CB; Paris, 19 juin, 1834. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 304r; Appony's letter appears 305r. Blank cc: 304v, 306r-v. Thanks Beltrami on behalf of himself and his wife for the (now published) pamphlet on Italy (see note above regarding L'Italie et l'Europe), but takes exception with some things said about "Sa Majeste l'Empereur, a son Altesse Imperiale l'Archiduc Jean et a Mr. Le Prince de Mitternich."]

cc.308r-310v. Chateaubriand a CB; Paris, 25 juin, 1834. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 308r; Chateaubriand's letter appears 309r. Blank cc: 308v, 309v, 310r-v. Says that he has been ill, and only now could reply to Beltrami's patriotic letter about Italy. Reprinted in Notizie e lettere, p.98.]

cc.312r-314v. Arago F., Secrétaire perpétuel de l'Académie Royale Des Sciences A CB; Paris, 30 juin, 1834. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 312r, and envelope, 314v; Arago's letter appears 313r. Blank cc: 312v, 313v, 314r. Acknowledges receipt of the copy of L'Italie et l'Europe, thanks Beltrami, and informs him that it has been deposited in the Académie's library. Also contains a personal thanks addended to the bottom by Arago.]

cc.317r-318v. CB a "Carissimo signor…a Paris"; Heidelberg, 19 ottobre, 1834. [Printed copy; 3pp. Blank cc: 318v. Beltrami discusses the state of Europe and Italy. See also Main Bibliography.]

Back to contents

6. Vol III; Dalla 1835 agli ultimi anni della sua vita, 1835-1855. One folder, with an original order number of 11 (gamma sopra 2/5). 42 documents; 3r-105v. Containing correspondence from the indicated years to various friends, acquaintances, and official bodies. Topics addressed are varied; included are documents related to his activity with various academic institutes; his life at Heidelberg; his friendship with Jurist Karl Mittermaier and others; correspondence with family members; and some poetic work and funereal elogies. Many of the documents are bound together with Italian translations made at an unspecified date in the past; all such "packets" are listed as singular items in the document list with appropriate content notes. "cc" numbers cited herein refer to numbers in red ink from cc.3-70, and in pencil from cc.71-105, usually in upper right hand corners of the documents; freestanding blank pages are not annotated. Arranged roughly chronologically.

cc.3r-14v. CB a "Monsieur de Monglave, sécretaire perpétuel de l'Institut historique à Paris"; Heidelberg, 17 fevr., 1836. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 3r-12v; 4pp. printed copy of the letter appears 13r-14v. The following are addressed in this long letter: the plea that he not be forgotten for his journeys in America; the alleged plagiarism (presumably by Cooper); his writings; Native American tribes; unforgettable points of his journeys through Mexico; his theories on the Egyptian origins of the Mexican tribes; fate of his books; the feathered mosaics in Mexico, the Evangelarium Aztecum, and his theories on the emigration of peoples of Asie orientale to the new world; the discovery of the Mississippi; the discovery of the Panuca river in Mexico, and his interest in mining; his natural history, scientific and historical undertakings; compares himself, to an extent, with Columbus and other Italian explorers; those who "conspire" against his works; his plea for a larger historical reputation; and his retirement from the Institut Historique. Francois Eugène Garay de Monglave (1796-1873) was an influential journalist and member of the Ministry of the Interior from 1830; he was a cofounder of the Institut Historique. See also: Main Bibliography. Reprinted in Notizie e lettere, p.115-134.]

cc.17r-18v. Nota di Beltrami [probably the nephew of CB], s.d. [Double sided document; letters appear 17r-v. Blank cc: 18r-v. 17r: note by Beltrami's nephew regarding the above letter and its transferral to Conte Pietro Moroni and from thence to the Biblioteca. 17v: note on Beltrami's charity written after his death by illeggible author.]

cc.19r-21v. Note del nipote di CB, s.d. [Blank cc: 19v, 20v, 21r-v. Notes written by Beltrami's nephew regarding his life, writings, his last days, his relationship to Bergamo, and the fact that he is entrusting his manuscript papers to the care of Conte Pietro Moroni; also mentions in postscript Chateaubriand's elogy in his work "on America." These notes appear to be referring to something, containing marginalized reference letters, but it is unclear to what they refer.]

cc.23r-v. le Baron de Cotta a CB; Stuttgart, 20 [?], 1836. [In French. With envelope, 23v. Acknowledges receipt of the letter and assures him he will send it on.]

cc.24r-29v. CB a Monsieur le Président de l'Académie des Sciences, à Paris; Heidelberg, 2 juillet, 1837. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 24r-v, 29r; two drafts of the letter appear 25r-26v, and 27r-28v. Blank cc: 29v. Beltrami elaborately complains about the compliments paid to the descriptive talents of James Fenimore Cooper (in a session of the Académie held 26 juin, 1837) in describing the Native American populations, which Beltrami insists were plagiarized from his own accounts; also complains that his discovery of the headwaters is still being attributed to "Mons. Cas" [sic] in the Journal des Debats.]

cc.31r-v. "Offre de vente de ma proprietè a Heidelberg," s.d. [In French. Blank cc: 31v. In Beltrami's hand; probably Beltrami's original organizational scheme; all items below from cc.31-41 pertain to the sale of his property.]

cc.32r-33v. CB a le Prince de Metternich; Filottrano, 4, 8 juin, 1839. [In French. Draft of a letter which begins with a brief update on Beltrami's recent activities and current situation, and then describes the property at Filottrano and offers it for sale.]

cc.34r-35v. CB a Le Comte de Megean, Munich; s.d. [probably originally united with above]. [In French. Blank cc: 35r. Describes the property at Heidelberg.]

cc.36r-v. Abbozzo, s.d. [In French].

cc.37r-v. Conte Antonelli a CB; Napoli, 22 aprile, 1841. [Blank cc:37v. Regarding the Baron di Rothschild's interest in the villa (see below); apologizes for the lateness of the reply. This probably referes to Baron Karl (1788-1855) of the famed financial family, who was the head of the Naples branch of the Rothschilds.]

cc.38r-39v. le Baron de Rothschild a le General Comte Antonelli; Naples, 6 avril, 1841 [?]. [In French. Blank cc: 39r-v. Asks that Antonelli transmit this letter to Beltrami regarding the villa at Heidelberg.]

cc.40r-41v. CB a Conte Antonelli; Filottrano, 11 maggio, 1841. [Blank cc: 41v. Makes a passing mention of Rothschild's interest in the Villa, but remarks mostly on his feelings regarding his life and his friends, and his desire for il Paradiso di Platone.]

cc.43r-44v. "Al Proposto di Filottrano e Beltrami e il padre predicatore Bonicelli e Suora Maria Angelica." [Blank cc: 43v, 44r-v. In Beltrami's hand; original cover page for the below documents, 46-66.]

cc.46r-v. Entrando Il Nobile Monistero delle Canonichesse Lateranensi di S. Bartolomeo in S. Sebastiano di Ancona, La Giovane Signora Maria Tondini Lodigiana, s.d. [1 page. Printed poetic work. Presumably by Beltrami, dedicated to the above occasion and person. Folding problem.]

cc.47r-v. Alla signora Marietta Tondini da Codogno che vestiva nella città di Filottrano l'abito di Santa Chiara assumendo I nomi Maria Angelica Aloisia, 1840. [1 page. Printed poetic work. Initialed "G.B.," dedicated to the above occasion and person. With address on back, 47v. Folding problem.]

cc.48r-v. Maria Angelica Aloisia a CB, s.d. [Blank cc: 48v. Regarding the above works and their common Bergamasco roots.]

cc.49r-50v. CB a Maria Angelica Aloisia, s.d. [With envelope, 50v. Blank cc: 50r. Draft letter expressing thanks and signed "Fra Giacomo."]

cc.52r-v. 2 poems, s.d. [In Latin and Italian. Blank cc: 52v. One unidentified author, one the response of Beltrami.]

cc.53r-v. Francesco Rafaelli Curato [?] a CB, s.d. [Blank cc: 53v. Requests that Beltrami contribute some money for the completion of the restauration of a piece of the church.]

cc.54r-v. CB al Sig. Curato, s.d. [Blank cc: 54v. Draft letter expressing Beltrami's desire to offer charity and mentioning his former help feeding the population during the food shortage.]

cc.55r-56v. 1 poem, ventitre settembre. [With envelope, 55v, and another (possibly mismatched) envelope, 56v. Blank cc: 56r. Unidentified poem; envelope addressed by [?] "Sig. Colme" and to "Sig. Costantino Beltrammi" (sic).]

cc.58r-59v. "Bonicelli e Machiarelli," s.d. [In Beltrami's hand; 58r is probably original cover page for documents that follow. Blank cc: 59v. 58v is inscribed "Al sublime merito dell'egregio Sig. Giacomo Costantino Beltrami giuroconsulto, filosofo, poeta, oratore, viaggiatore, filantropo. Liseno Smirneo P.A. Dopo avere inteso alcuni eruditi ragionamenti del Revisio Sig. Don Giacinto Bonacelli da Bergamo nel corso quaresimale in Filottrano." Follows with a sonnet on 59r in praise of Beltrami's and Bonacelli's common birthplace Bergamo.]

cc.60r-v. "In Risposta a un sonetto a Alcandro Grineo gentilmente indiritto da Liseno Smirneo," s.d. [Blank cc: 60v. Sonnet by Beltrami, signed with his arcadian academic name Alcandro Grineo, responding to the Sonnet of Liseno Smirneo; this draft was probably the second.]

cc.61r-v. Abbozzo. [Probably first draft.]

cc.62r-v. Abbozzo. [Blank cc: 62v. Probably final draft.]

cc.64r-65v. "Reverende Pater," nella quaresima del 1839. [Blank cc: 64v, 65v. 2 attached drafts of a poem "al Redicatore di Filottrano."]

cc.66r-v. "Reverende le Bonicelli," s.d. [Blank cc: 66v. Small draft or fragment of poem.]

cc.67r-v. "Due lettere di Beltrami, Giacomo Costantino al Sig. Maurizio Andreossi di Bergamo, donate a questa biblioteca nel Nov, 1879 dalla Signora Encina Andreossi. Gab. Lambda, 6, 13 (5)" [Original cover page created by library; these letters donated to the library in November of 1879 by the receiver. Letters follow at 68-70.]

cc.68r-v. CB al Signor Maurizio Andreossi di Bergamo; Filottrano, 28 luglio, 1843. [With envelope, 68v. Asks that he accept some aid, mirroring the spirit of the fratello (?).]

cc.69r-70v. 24 ottobre, 1843. [With envelope, 70v. Blank cc: 69v, 70r. Expresses sorrow for a death (?).]

cc.71r-v. [in pencil, remainder of series]. "Due lettere autografe del prof. Mittermaier dirette a G.C. Beltrami, e tre minute di lettere di questi a lui. Donate a questa Civica Biblioteca dalla prof. Tullia Franzi. 30 gennaio, 1924." [Blank cc: 71v. Original title page from library collections.]

cc.72r-v. Mittermaier a CB; Heidelberg, 25 juillet, s.a. [Blank cc:72v. Bemoans the fate of Beltrami's writings, and refers to an English brochure. Karl Josef Anton Mittermaier (1787-1867) was the famed Austrian moderate-liberal jurist and statesman, professor of law in Landshut, and a cabinet member for the Archduke of Baden from 1831.]

cc.73r-v. CB al Sig. Mittermaier; Heidelberg, 6 giugno, 1849. [Draft copy. Regarding papers Beltrami found at Heidelberg and attached to send to Mittermaier which honor his patria; discusses briefly his feelings regarding the unfree state of Italy.]

cc.74r-v. Heid. 25 juillet, 1849. [In French. Draft copy. Thanks Mittermaier for the brochure (see above), and expresses his feelings about his expatriation and his still-surviving pride at being an Italian in spite of his travails.]

cc.75r-v. Heidelberg, 26 juillet, 1849. [In French. Draft copy. Blank cc: 75v. Sends Mittermaier some copies to look after (?), and sends along some polenta and a bottle of wine from the "humble cottage" of the pauvre Pelerin.]

cc.77r-78v. Mittermaier a CB, s.d. [In Italian with scattered French. With attached personal card, 77r; letter appears 78r. Blank cc: 78v. Sends Beltrami a letter of introduction to his nephew in Monaco and his nephew's father, the doctor to the King of Bavaria; also mentions a letter from M. Torrigiani, and Beltrami's letter to the "Pontefice Massimo" in which Mitermaier remarks that he found the truth.]

cc.81r-83v. Beltrami a chère et respectable niéce; carissimo nipote; carissimo nipotino, 4 [gennaio], 1853. [In French and Italian. With Italian translation attached, 81r, and envelope addressed to "Madame Eugenie Beltrami, Lemberg-Leopoli" on back of 83v; letters (all written on the same pages) appear 82r. Blank cc: 81v. First letter gives his thoughts on his travels and what he has seen in the world; second appears to give advice on living; third letter gives advice to his nephew living as well, but also exhorts him to continue the battle for the recognition of Italians and their discoveries. There is a note appended, 83r, by "Gio. A. Beltrami," which indicates that this last letter was written on the occasion of the nipotino's (nephew's) geography exam in Leopoli in dicembre, 1852.]

cc.85r-87v. Beltrami a chère et respectable niéce; Filottrano, 13 Xbre, 1854. [In French. With an attached Italian translation, 85r, and envelope, 87v; letter appears 86r. Blank cc:85v, 86v, 87r. Replying to her letter of the 26th and thanks her for it and the gift on the way, and sends a gift. Note at the bottom of 86r, signed by G.A. Beltrami, reads: "Penultima lettera scritta dal defunto alla famiglia" (second to last letter written by the deceased to the family).]

cc.89r-90v. "Eloges Funebres à la mort de la geunne Demoiselles des Comte Caccia et du Marquis Torrigiani." [Blank cc: 89v, 90r-v. In Beltrami's hand; probably his original cover page; documents follow below. Also contains original location annotation of "2 lambda, 6, 12."]

cc.91r-v. "A impiangere [?] la perdita e onorare la memorie della nobil donzella Clara," s.d. [Contains introductory material to, and draft of, "Sonetto Libero," dedicated to the above. ]

cc.92r-93v. "Imitation Libre," s.d. [Blank cc: 92v, 93v. In French. Same materials, translated into French.]

cc.94r-105v. Tributo alla Memoria del Marchese Cavaliere Pietro Torrigiani. Firenze: Coi Tipi di David Passigli, 1849. [Printed funereal document, with envelope addressed to Beltrami, 95r-v. Contains writings and poetic works in honor of the above deceased.]

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Note di Viaggio [Travel Notes]

7. Note di Viaggio. One folder, with the original order number of 4 (gamma 1 sopra, 2/6). 9 documents; 3r-47v. Containing travel journals in small notepad form (hereafter, taccuino), and larger notebook form (hereafter, quaderno); other materials related to his journeys in the United States; and Beltrami's handwritten title pages for these notes. Due to their compact and complicated nature, taccuini and quaderni are not annotated herein. "cc" numbers refer to the number in red ink on the upper right hand corner of each document; taccuini are numbered individually as well as collectively, with the number appearing as a fraction (i.e., page six of notebook four equals cc.4/6); freestanding blank pages are not annotated. There are a number of pressing preservation needs in this section, especially related to acidic paper between the documents.

cc.3r-4v. "Note fatte infra I Selvaggi / dell'alto Mississippi / quelle sulla scorza d'albero, / mancatami la carta, / restano presso il Marchese / Torrigiani, a Firenze / a lui spedite da Londra"; "Note che serviron a scrivere l'opera qui unita-Ne ho trovato una seconda copia e spero di procuramene una terza onde poterne fare ommagio all'illustre Sig. C. P. M. [Conte Pietro Moroni]." [Blank cc: 3v, 4r-v. In Beltrami's hand, probably his original title pages.]

cc.5r-10v. R. May, D'Uzistorf, Capitaine au Service britannique, et Agent plénipotentiaire du Comte de Selkirk. Prospectus d'un plan d'envoyer des colons à la colonie de la Rivière Rouge dans l'Amérique Septentrionale. Berne, 24 mai, 1820. [In French. Printed collection of facts, findings and propositions regarding the area in which Beltrami traveled, assembled to support the Count de Selkirk's desire to populate these areas, especially with Swiss and German immigrants.]

cc.11r-14v. Taccuino di note di viaggio. [Four small taccuini (notepads) with travel notes regarding Beltrami's journeys in the northern regions of the Mississippi river regions; all four sewn to one page; positions of each are noted below.]

cc.11/1r - 11/17v. Taccuino #1, s.d. [In French and Italian. Top-left corner. Blank cc: 11/1r, 11/17r-v. ]

cc.13/1r - 13/24v. Taccuino #2, s.d. [In French and Italian. Bottom-left corner. Blank cc: 13/24r-v.]

cc.12/1r - 12/25v. Taccuino #3, s.d. [In French and Italian. Top-right corner. Blank cc: 12/25r-v. This example contains two hand-drawn maps near the end, including one that appears to be Lake Giulia, Beltrami's headwaters.]

cc.14/1r - 14/18v. Taccuino #4, s.d. [In French and Italian. Bottom-right corner. 14/11r-v, 14/18r-v.]

cc.15r-38v. Quaderno di note di viaggio, s.d. [In French and Italian. 1 medium-size quaderno (notebook), written from both directions (i.e., writing turns upside-down halfway through notebook, 27v). Blank cc: 15r-v, 26v, 27r, 38r-v. Particularly focuses on Beltrami's observations of the various populations of the U.S., including European descendants as well as Native American. Note: provenance is difficult to discern in this document, and it may not have originally appeared in its current configuration.]

cc.40r-43v. Quaderno di note di viaggio, s.d. [In French. 1 small, slender quaderno (notebook). Assorted travel notes regarding his travels in the U.S.]

cc.44r-47v. Quaderno di note di viaggio, Septembre, 1823. [In French; 1 larger quaderno (notebook), with half-inscribed pages. Inscribed "Au camp des Cypoways," regards his meeting with and observations of a Chippawa village.]

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Attività professionale [Professional Activity]

8-9. Congresso di Stoccarda. One folder of materials, and one box containing one printed book in German, both with the original number order of 10 (respectively: gamma 1 sopra, 2/1; gamma 1 sopra, 5). 31 documents; 3r-66v. Collected by Beltrami, acting as a representative of L'Institut Historique (Paris, France), at the Congresso di Stoccarda, (Stuttgart, Germany, 1834), a conference of naturalists, geographers, doctors and other natural science scholars. Containing letters, official attendee documents, and printed works, especially those related to the Congresso dei Naturalisti e Medici Tedeschi. Spelling of Stoccarda (Stuttgart, Stuttgard) is flexible in these documents, and so are reproduced verbatum here. "cc" numbers refer to the number in red ink on the upper right hand corner of each document; freestanding blank pages are not annotated.

cc.3r-v. "Passagier Billet, M. Beltrami," 22 aug., 1834. [Ticket for voyage from Costanza a Ermatingen.]

cc.4r-8v. Avis a les membres et participants de la douzieme reunion des naturalists et medecins d'Allemagne a Stuttgart; Septembre 1834. [In French. Printed congress program. 10pp. Contains organizational information and a map of the conference room.]

cc.9r-13v. Nachrichten fur die Mitglieder und Theilnehmer der zwolften Zusammenfunft der Deutchen Naturforscher und Aerzte, zu Stuttgart im September, 1834. [In German. Same as above.]

cc.14r-v. "Der inhaler dieser Karte, Herr Beltrami, aus Paris," September, 1834. [In German. Blank cc: 14v. Entrance ticket.]

cc.15r-16v. "Verzeichniss der Mitglieder und Theilnehmer." [Printed. Alphabetical list of attendees.]

cc.17r-18v. "Papier de representation di diverse Société savantes au congres in 1834 a Stuttgard." [Blank cc: 17v, 18r-v. In Beltrami's hand. Original title page of this section of the collection. With original location note "Lambda, 6, 11 (2)."]

cc.19r-21v. Eugene de Monglave, Segretario Perpetuo dell'Institut Historique di Parigi a CB, 29 luglio, 1834. [In French. With envelope, 19r-v. Blank cc: 20v, 21r-v. This letter entrusts the representation of L'Institut Historique at the Congress to Beltrami.]

cc.22r-23v. Eugene de Monglave, Segretario Perpetuo dell'Institut Historique di Parigi a CB, 3 août, 1834. [In French. Blank cc: 22v, 23r-v. Much the same theme, reiterating the importance that Beltrami represent the organization well.]

cc.24r-25v. Eugene de Monglave, Segretario Perpetuo dell'Institut Historique di Parigi a CB, 3 août, 1834. [In French. Blank cc:25r-v. This letter responds to certain inquiries made to Monglave by Beltrami in some letters of July 30th of the same year, and settles some last minute details of the nature of Beltrami's representation.]

cc.26r-28v. S. Federer a Beltrami, 4 sept., 1834. [In French. With envelope, 28v. Blank cc: 26v, 27v, 28r. Correspondence regarding accomodation in Stuttgart.]

cc.29r-30v. CB a Monsieur Le President, 20 settembre, 1834. [In French. Blank cc: 29v, 30r-v. A small note from the presentation to the president of a brochure (probably Beltrami's L'Italie et l'Europe) to the president regarding the state of human knowledge, etc.]

cc.31r-v. CB a Monsieur Le President, s.d. [In French. Blank cc: 31v, 32r-v. A small note from the presentation to the president of a collection of "transatlantic objects."]

cc.33r-34v. CB, s.d. [In French. Blank cc: 34r-v. A small note to recommend L'Institut Historique to fellow attendees.]

cc.35r-36v. CB al Re e il Gran Duca di Baden, "Sire, Charge par l'Institut Historique…", 26 settembre, 1834, [In French. Blank cc: 36v. This letter exists here in five drafts in various states of revision, 35r-42v, with the last appearing to be a final copy (see below). Recommends L'Institut Historique to the above and announces his L'Italie et l'Europe.]

cc.37r-38v. Abbozzo. [Blank cc: 38v.]

cc.39r-v. Abbozzo.

cc.40r-v. Abbozzo. [Blank cc: 40v.]

cc.41r-42v. Abbozzo. [Blank cc: 42r-v. Final draft? ]

cc.43r-45v. Segretario di Stato Vellnagel a CB; Stuttgart, 28 sett., 1834. [In French. With envelope and official seal, 44r-v. Blank cc: 45r-v. Response to Beltrami's above letter on behalf of the King's secretary of state, imparting thanks and satisfaction with the work of the Institut Historique.]

cc.46r-v. CB a Segretario di Stato Vellnagel; Stuttgart, 2 ottobre, 1834. [In French. Probably a copy of a reply sent by Beltrami to Vellnagel to make clear that the pamphlet (L'Italie et l'Europe) emanated from himself and not the Institut Historique.]

cc. 47r-48v. Abbozzo. [Blank cc: 47v, 48r-v. Draft of above letter.]

cc.50r-51v. CB al segretario de l'Institut; Stuttgard, 7 ott., 1834. [In French. Draft of the letter; details the events at the conference.]

cc.52r-53v. CB al Segretario di stato [?], s.d. [In French. Blank cc: 53r-v. Draft of the letter; bemoans not having been invited to an event, possibly a luncheon.]

cc.54r-57v. Appunti di una comunicazione, s.d. [In French. Probably notes for a speech given to the congress regarding a rise in the temperature of the past year, particularly in the Pyrenees and the Alps.]

cc.58r-59v. CB a Le Redacteur au Courrier Allemand a Stuttgart, s.d. [In French. Probably a draft of a letter to the above on the same topic of extraordinarily hot weather.]

cc.60r-61v. Presidente del Congresso a CB; Stouttgard, 7 ott., 1834. [In French. Blank cc: 61r-v. Regarding Monglave and Di Schill (?) of the Institut.]

cc.62r-v. CB a le President [del Congresso]; Stoutgard, 7 ott., 1834. [In French. Four drafts or copies of this letter, 62r-65v, addressing Beltrami's disappointment on behalf of the Institut, as regarding the treatment of its delegates (?).]

cc.63r-v. Abbozzo.

cc.64r-v. Abbozzo.

cc.65r-v. Abbozzo.

cc.66r-v. CB a ? [probably le Presidente], s.d. [Blank cc: 66v. Possibly another draft (or piece of one) of the above complaint.]

9. (gamma 1 sopra 2/1(2)) [In separate box, second part of this section.] Plieninger, D. Beschreibung von Stuttgart. Stuttgart: Carl Hoffmann, 1834. [In German. Printed, 130 pages. Publication put out for the Congress, containing collected research and findings of the Congress, statistical data, maps of the area and an engraving.]

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Collezioni fornite da Beltrami [Documents Collected by Beltrami]

10-11. Carte geografiche. One box and one large folder, with an original order number of 3 (gamma 1 sopra, 2/1/1-2). 3 documents; 10-11a. Box (10) contains a map of North and South America in its known entirety at the time; folder (11) contains two United States maps. No "cc" numbers for these documents; they are instead numbered in two distinct sections, 10 and 11.

10. A New map of America exhibiting its natural and political divisions drawn from the most recent materials, 1819. London: John Cary, May 1, 1819. [Paper mounted on canvas. Approximately half of the back is covered with Beltrami's handwritten notes on the history of the U.S.A. in general and especially the history of geografic discoveries; also a bibliography on Mexican history and a list of "pitture."]

11. A Diagram of the United States shewing the bearings and distances of the principal places from Washington, and from each other, with a scale of time prepared for the travellers directory by John Melish, s.d. [Probably originally united with the other map in the folder, also by John Melish. Gives bearings and distances in miles from Washington to cities throughout the country.]

11a. United States of America; Compiled from the latest and best authorities by Jon Melish,1820. Improved to 1822. Philadelphia: published by J.M. Entered according to Act of Congress, 10th July, 1818. [Partial map of the United States.]

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12. Frammenti di Giornale dalla sua raccolta. One large folder, with an original order number of 5. 28 documents; 3r-39v. Containing clippings and pages from American and Mexican newspapers, magazines and brochures, collected by Beltrami during travels in the Americas; on various topics of interest. "cc" numbers refer to the number in red ink in the top right hand corner of each document unless otherwise noted; blank pages are not annotated. Arranged by publication and roughly chronologically thereunder.

cc.3r-4v. "Curieux Articles des Journaux sur les Etats-Unis, le Canal Erie, les Chuttes de Niagara, etc." [Blank cc: 3v, 4r-v. In Beltrami's hand. Original title page to this section of the collection, with original location of "Lambda, 6, 22."]

cc.5r-8v. The Cincinnati Literary Gazette, Vol. III, no. 22; Cincinnati, May 28, 1825. [In English. Printed. Numerous articles and poetic odes concerning Lafayette's visit to Cincinnati, May 20, 1825.]

cc.9r-v. "Ohio and Erie Canal" [unknown publication], s.d. [In English. Printed. Beltrami attended the ground-breaking ceremony for the Erie Canal in 1825; this article reprints Governor Clinton's remarks and those of "Mr. Ewing."]

cc.10r-v. "State of America" [possibly Edinburgh Observer], s.d.; and "To the Public of Louisiana," April 13. [In English. Printed. Two documents, glued together. The first briefly discusses the growth in American industry, population, and the newly opened canals. The second is a small article, authored by Beltrami, which announces his "The Discovery of the Sources of the Mississippi" (see Giornali for an Italian translation of the document, and a French translation of the document).]

cc.11r-v. The Saturday Evening Post; Philadelphia, July 16, 1825. [In English. Printed. Of possible interest to Beltrami were: General Clark's treaties with the Kanzas and Osage Indians west of the Missouri; the Bay of Naples from and American's point of view; article on the founding of Philadelphia.]

cc.12r-v. The New York American; New York, August 17, 1825. [In English. Printed. Of possible interest to Beltrami were: advertisement for land near Niagara Falls, which also mentions the canals; military expedition to "treat with the Indians of the upper Missouri river."]

cc.13(A)r-v. [in pencil, by binding]. "For the New York American: Our Travels, Statistical, Geographical, Mineralogical, Geological, Political and Historical, Written by Myself - x, y, z, &c., Part I," s.d. [In English. Printed. Clipping is the first in a series collected by Beltrami of an anonymous writer's travel journal in the northeastern states.]

cc.13(B)r-v. "Continued," s.d. [Clipping. Continuation of above.]

cc.13(C)r-v. "Continued," August 27, 1825. [Clipping. Continuation of above.]

cc.14r-v. "Concluded," September 8, 1825. [Last installment of above. Also possibly of interest is the article entitled "Letters from Rome."]

cc.15r-v. September 10, 1825. [Of possible interest to Beltrami were: Mexican expedition.]

cc.16r-v. September 12, 1825. [Of possible interest to Beltrami were: address given by the President on the departure of "Gen. La Fayette," followed by La Fayette's comments.]

cc.17r-v. October 5, 1825. [Of possible interest to Beltrami were: announcement of celebration for the Grand Canal.]

cc.18r-v. October 7, 1825. [Of possible interest to Beltrami were: an article on a Mexican mule drive; an article defending American literary achievement that cites as an example James Fenimore Cooper.]

cc.19r-v. October 24, 1825. [Of possible interest to Beltrami were: article on the preparations and regulations for the Grand Canal celebration by the city of New York; article reprinting from Percival's History of Italy a piece about Florence; an "all well" brief regarding La Fayette's journey back to France.]

cc.20r-v. December 7, 1825. [Of possible interest to Beltrami were: correspondence to the paper from Gen. La Fayette; a note on the Grand Canal Celebration.]

cc.21r-v. New York Daily Advertiser, August 16, [1825]. [In English. Clipping. Of possible interest to Beltrami were: population statistics (on back).]

cc.22r-v. November 23, [1825]. [Clipping. Of possible interest to Beltrami were: editorial regarding a British attempt to entreat a Prussian prince to take over the United States.]

cc.23r-v. September 13, 1825. [Of possible interest to Beltrami were: Mexican horse herding expedition.]

cc.24r-v. November 15, 1825. [Of possible interest to Beltrami were: article regarding additions to the Erie Canal.]

cc.25r-v. The New York Evening Post, s.d. [In English. Clipping. Of possible interest to Beltrami were: "Forsythe's Falls of Niagara," travel diary to the falls.]

cc.26r-v. Ca. July, 1825. [Clipping. Of possible interest to Beltrami were: reprint of an anonymous travel journal to Quebec, Syracuse, and Trenton Falls.]

cc.27r-v. Ca. August, 1825. [Clipping. Of possible interest to Beltrami were: navigation of the Hudson.]

cc.28r-v. Ca. July, 1825. [Clipping. Of possible interest to Beltrami were: reprinted travel journal from the Catskill Mountains.]

cc.29r-v. September 20, 1825. [Of possible interest to Beltrami were: article detailing La Fayette's trip along the Brandywine river.]

cc.30r-31v. "Celebration du Grand Canal etc.," 4 september, 1825. [In French. Beltrami's handwritten notes on a reception given for the celebration of the Grand Canal, especially on those in attendance; also contains what appears to be a short poem on the occasion.]

cc. 32r-33v. La Armonia del Gobierno de la Iglesia Con el Republicano Federal, s.d. [In Spanish. Printed pamphlet. Details the relationship between Mexican freedom and independence and the church's role in it.]

cc.34r-39v. Representacion Del Exmo. Ayuntamiento constitucional de la ciudad de Mexico a la Camara de Diputados de la Federacion, sobre que no se derogue ne altere la ley que la ha declarado distrito federal de la union. Imprenta del Alejandro Valdes. 25 enero, 1825. [In Spanish. Printed pamphlet. Declaration and explication of the rights of citizens in the new Mexican republic, and a call for reason, justice, and an obedience, on the part of the governors, to the laws governing the rights of the citizenry.]

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13. Giornali che parlano delle sue publicazioni. One large folder, with the original order number of 8 (gamma 1 sopra, 1/2). 21 documents; 3r-152v. Containing newspapers and clippings with notices and reviews on Beltrami's writings, especially Découverte, Pilgrimage, and Le Mexique. Of unreliable provenance; it may be doubtful that all pieces herein were collected by Beltrami himself, though the original overleaf would seem to imply this. "cc" numbers refer to the number in red ink in the top right-hand corner of each document; numerous journals are preserved herein in their entirety and numbered throughout; content notes contain numbers which for those segments which contain material related to Beltrami; freestanding blank pages are not annotated. Arranged very roughly chronologically.

cc.3r-v. Original cover page, s.d. [In Beltrami's handwriting.]

cc.4r-v. L'Argus. "Découverte des sources du Mississippi"; Nouvelle Orleans, January 3, 1825. [In French. Printed. Review and discussion of Découverte; generally positive.]

cc.5r-v. National Gazette, 12 August, 1824. [In English. Blank cc: 5v. Transcription of an article (apparently) written by Robert Walsh Jr. criticizing Beltrami's claim to the discovery of the sources of the Mississippi.]

cc.6r-9v. "Dal Monitore Commerciale di Nuova York," s.d. [These blue pages contain transcriptions and translations of at least six distinct documents as listed separately below. The first, 6r, is a lauditory article that compares him to Christopher Columbus.]

"Estratto dalle Rivista ripotate nei fogli di Nuova Orleans," s.d. [Begins 7r, near bottom; again, compares Beltrami to Columbus, and recounts his voyage as told through his Découverte; discusses somewhat the controversy surrounding the truth of his find.]

"Da un altra rivista sottoscritta Un'Americana," s.d. [Begins 8r, near bottom; praises and recommends Beltrami's Découverte.]

"Letteratura," s.d. [8v; announcement that proclaims that Découverte "merits the highest praise."]

"Per gli americani di Nuova York," s.d. [8v; avowal by an associate that Découverte is factual and should be recommended to the public. This document is probably united with the next one in its original format.]

"Indirizzo Al Popolo degli Stati Uniti," s.d. [1825]. [Begins on 9r; written by Beltrami, a defense and explanation of his discovery, responding to the public outcry over the work (and presumably the objections of Major Long). See also reprint photocopy in English in Main Bibliography.]

"Al Pubblico della Louisiana," s.d. [April 13 (1825?)]. [9v; small article, authored by Beltrami, which announces his "The Discovery of the Sources of the Mississippi" (see Frammenti for an English translation of the document, and below for a French translation).]

cc.11r-18v. London Magazine. "Discovery of the Sources of the Mississippi and Red River," March, 1827. [In English. Printed. See 11r-13v. Glosses Beltrami's journey and reviews his work very positively. Also mentions his travels in Mexico and discoveries made there, especially the Evangelarium, and gives a translation of the correspondence between Beltrami and the Revue Encyclopédique regarding this find.]

cc.19r-v. Four clippings affixed to one page, s.d. [All clippings listed separately below, in clockwise fashion, beginning top left. Acidic paper problem.]

"Literature: 'A Pilgrimage in Europe and America &c.' " [In English. From the [The?] Times, …10, 1828. Review of Pilgrimage; positive recommendation of the work. See also below.]

"Au Public Louisianais," 13 avril. [In French. Announcement of availability of Découverte. See Frammenti for an English translation of the document, and above for an Italian translation.]

Copy two, "Au Public Louisianais," 13 avril.

"La Découverte des Sources du Mississippi, et de la Reviere Sanglante," s.d. [In English. Announcement of the tardy availability of Découverte that mentions that the shipment to Philadelphia was never unpacked.]

cc.21r-26v. Supplement to the London Weekly Review 31. "A Pilgrimage in Europe and America," December 20, 1827. [In English. Printed. See 21r-22v. Review of Pilgrimage; cares little for the European parts of the journey, but responds positively to the American segment. Reprints long passages of the book. Also reviewed in this issue, Chateaubriand's Voyage in Amerique, which Beltrami asserted was partly plagiarized from his own work.]

cc.27r-34v. The Literary Chronicle and Weekly Review. "A Pilgrimage in Europe and America," [1828?]. [In English. Printed. See 27v-28v. This review of Pilgrimage also dislikes the European sections of the book but finds the American sections compelling.]

cc.35r-110v. The Monthly Review VII:XXX. "A Pilgrimage in Europe and America," February, 1828. [In English. Printed. See 92v-95v. A fairly scathing review, especially concerning his style and European journeys, which, however, remarks on the importance and merit of the sections of the book which deal with his discovery.]

cc.111r-v. [The?] Times. "Literature: 'A Pilgrimage in Europe and America,' " …10, 1828. [In English. Printed. Half of a newspaper page; review of Pilgrimage; positive recommendation of the work.]

cc.112r-v. The Scots Times. "Literature: 'A Pilgrimage in Europe and America,'" February 16, 1828. [In English. Printed. Extremely positive review of Pilgrimage which reprints long passages and lauds the book in its entirety, with the exception of a few stylistic concerns and a proclivity on the part of the author to complain about his circumstances.]

cc.113r-v. "(Advertisement) To the Editor of the Times," April 5. [In English. Printed. A short complaint that Beltrami issued to the Quarterly Review regarding the treatment of his Pilgrimage. See below, 122r-129v, for his full complaint to the public.]

cc.114r-121v. Quarterly Review LXXIV. "Art. VI. 'A Pilgrimage in Europe and America,' " [1828]. [In English. Printed. See 114v-119v. A review of Pilgrimage so scathing that it prompted Beltrami to write and publish a rebuttal (see below, 122r-129v). Accuses Beltrami of a total misrepresentation of the truth on seemingly every possible point, often only on the basis of his Italian nationality.]

cc.122r-129v. Beltrami, G.C. Beltrami's "Pilgrimage" and the Quarterly Review (For Gratis Circulation). London: C.H. Reynell, 1828. [In English. Printed, 16pp. Beltrami's full-length rebuttal against the Quarterly Review's "contemptible and malignant article" which vehemently criticized his Pilgrimage (see above). Beltrami used a plethora of quotes and Latin passages-along with testimony from well-respected officials in the Louisiana government (Ruffignac, Canonge)-to make his case against the Review; defends his Italian nationality and lists those periodicals which have treated his work more kindly; finishes with a remark on the anonymous nature of the review.]

cc.130r-137v. Copy two, Beltrami, G.C. Beltrami's "Pilgrimage" and the Quarterly Review (For Gratis Ciculation).

cc.139r-v. London Weekly Review: A Journal of Literature and Fine Arts. Beltrami, G.C. "Original Correspondence. Beltrami's 'Pilgrimage.' To the editor of the London Weekly Review." [In English. Printed. See 139v. Beltrami's response to the journal's negative review, presumably of December 20, 1827.]

cc.141r-v. Le Furet de Londres. "A Pilgrimage in Europe and America." [In French. Printed. See 141r. Very short review/announcement of Pilgrimage which focuses on the first section of the book, Beltrami's relationship with Chateaubriand, and the critical reception it has received in England.]

cc.142r-v. The Examiner. "Literary Notices. 'A Pilgrimage in Europe and America,' " [London, ca. 1828]. [In English. Printed. See 142r. Review of Pilgrimage which lauds his coverage on America and England, his geographical discoveries, and his bravery; and faults him for his overbearing affect in regards to the countess and his frequent complaints about the political state of Italy.]

cc.143r-144v. Copy two, The Examiner. "Literary Notices. 'A Pilgrimage in Europe and America,' " [London, ca. 1828]. [This version also includes a small advertisement for the book by Hunt and Clarke on 144v.]

cc.146r-149v. The Atlas. "Literature. Review of New Books. 'A Pilgrimage in Europe and America,' " London, January 20, 1828. [In English. Printed. See 148v-149r. This review of Pilgrimage criticizes Beltrami for his overzealous sentimentality and disdain for "scientific men," but remarks that the second volume and the portion on England merit great attention. Reprints long passages of the book.]

cc.151r-152v. Literary and Critical Journal. [In English. Printed. One small mention of Beltrami in the article entitled "Dr. Civiale" which begins 152r.]

Back to contents

14. Documenti di Haiti. One folder, with the original order number of 6 (gamma 1 sopra, 2/7). 60 documents; 3r-245v. Containing 22 letters collected by Beltrami relating to the king of Haiti (not annotated), and various official documents of that country, including copies of the constitution, writings on the state of the country, and statements on the rights of the populace. "cc" numbers refer to the number in red ink in the top right hand corner of each document unless otherwise noted; freestanding blank pages are not annotated. Letters arranged roughly chronologically; arrangement varies all other documents.

cc.3r-4v. "Lettere scritte da varii ministri del Re Cristoforo d'Haiti al suo Medico Massicot dal 1811-1818." [Blank cc: 3v, 4r-v. In Beltrami's hand; original title page with original location note of "Lambda, 6, 11, (1) / 2a."]

cc.5r-v. "Lettere autografe del famoso Christoforo d'Haiti e dell'Imperatore, tiranno Dessalines ed altre carte autentiche, stampe etc. le quali furono da me raccolte nell'intenzione di scrivere il mio viaggio a, e in quell'Isola. Pensiere abbondonato affatto, avendo fatto giuro di non offrerire nuove discoperto a onore dell'ingrata dinazionalizzata Italia," s.d. [Blank cc: 5v. In Beltrami's hand; presumably Beltrami was planning another book, but his disgust with events in Italy appear to have discouraged his efforts. Haiti was the first free black republic in the new world; Giacomo I, Jean-Jacques Dessalines was proclaimed Emperor in January of 1804, and assassinated in 1806 after massacring many of the remaining white population; after his death, the northern part of the island came under the rule of Henri Christophe, a former slave who skillfully ruled until his suicide in 1820, while the southern portion was ruled first by Presidente Alexandre Pètion, and beginning in1818, by Presidente Jean-Pierre Boyer, who absorbed Christophe's realm in 1820, ruling the whole of Haiti until 1843.]

cc.6r-v. La Découverte des sources du Mississippi, s.d. [ca. 1824]. [In French. Printed. Blank cc: 6v. Announcement and subscription sheet for Découverte.]

cc.7r-45v. Lettere al Medicin Massicot dal Gabinetto del Re Christoforo d'Haiti. [All in French. Various subjects, relating to the rein of King Henri Christope. Individual document list begins below with no content annotations.]

cc.7r-8v. Comte delimonade, 26 Juin, 1811. [Blank cc: 7v, 8r-v]

cc.9r-10v. Comte delimonade, 18 Fevrier, 1813. [With envelope, 10v. Blank cc: 9v, 10r.]

cc.11r-12v. B. De Lagroux, 7 Mars, 1813. [Blank cc: 12r-v.]

cc.13r-14v. B. De Lagroux, 5 Juin, 1813. [With envelope, 14v. Blank cc: 13v, 14r.]

cc.15r-16v. Comte delimonade, 7 Juillet, 1813. [With envelope, 16v. Blank cc: 15v, 16r.]

cc.17r-18v. Comte delimonade, 29 Juillet, 1813. [With envelope, 18v. Blank cc: 17v, 18r.]

cc.19r-v. Delimonade, 25 Novembre, 1813. [Blank cc: 19v.]

cc.20r-21v. M. Chrs. De Orèzeau [?], 4 April, 1814. [With envelope, 21v. Blank cc: 20v, 21r.]

cc.22r-23v. M. Chrs. De Orèzeau [?], 20 Septembre, 1814. [With envelope, 23v. Blank cc: 22v, 23r.]

cc.24r-25v. M. Chrs. De Orèzeau [?], 17 Novembre, 1814. [With envelope, 25v. Blank cc: 25r.]

cc.26r-27v. Delimonade, 25 Janvier, 1815. [With envelope, 27v. Blank cc: 26v, 27r.]

cc.28r-v. Illegible #1 [probably "Henry," the king's signature], 26 Janvier, 1815. [Blank cc: 28v.]

cc.29r-30v. Delimonade, 13 Fevrier, 1815. [With envelope, 30v. Blank cc: 30r.]

cc.31r-v. Charlemagne, 17 Mars, 1815. [Blank cc: 31v.]

cc.32r-v. Illegible #1 [probably "Henry," the king's signature], 15 Juin, 1815.

cc.33r-34v. M. Chrs. De Orèzeau [?], 22 Juin, 1815. [With envelope. 34v. Blank cc: 33v, 34r.]

cc.35r-36v. Armand, 19 Août, 1815. [With envelope, 36v. Blank cc: 35v, 36r.]

cc.37r-38v. Delimonade, 22 Septembre [?], 1815. [Blank cc: 37v, 38r-v.]

cc.39r-40v. Charlemagne, 13 Octobre, 1815. [With envelope, 40v. Blank cc: 39v, 40r.]

cc.41r-42v. Delimonade, 26 Octobre [?], 1816. [With envelope, 42v. Blank cc: 41v, 42r.]

cc.43r-v. M. Chrs. De Orèzeau [?], 22 Aout, 1819. [Blank cc: 43v.]

cc.44r-45v. M. Chrs. De Orèzeau [?], 31 Juillet [s.a.]. [With envelope, 45v. Blank cc: 44v, 45r.]

cc.46r-77v. Constitution D'Haiti Du 27 Decembre, 1806 ey sa Revision du 2 Juin, 1816, an. 13 de l'Independence, Au Port au Prince: L'Imprimere du Gouvernement, 1816. [In French. Printed. XIV and 49 pp. Missing pp. I and II. Small, booklet-sized copy of the Haitian constitution.]

cc.78r-95v. Correspondance Relative a l'Emigration en Haiti de la Population Libre Noire et Jaune des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, Au Port au Prince: L'Imprimere du Gouvernement, ca. 1824. [In French. Printed. 31 pp. Small, booklet-sized collection of correspondence between the President of Haiti, Jean-Pierre Boyer, and various American officials, chief among them Lowring D. Dewey and M. Charles Collins, regarding official policies of immigration and emigration of people of African descent and Jaune (peoples of mixed race) between the two countries, and their status as free individuals upon immigration.]

cc.96r-101v. Programme de l'Exercise Littèraire des Elèves de l'Ecole Nationale Lancasterienne, Au Port au Prince: L'Imprimere de Joseph Courtois, 20 Dècembre, 1825. [In French. Printed. 8 pp. Small booklet-sized program of presentations from the Ecole Nationale Lancasterienne.]

cc.102r-113v. Reflexions sur Quelques Faits Relatifs à Notre Existence Politique, Par Le C.em Colombel, Secretaire Particulier de S.E. le President d'Haiti. Port au Prince: L'Imprimere du Gouvernement, 4 Juillet, 1818. [In French. Printed. 23 pp. Small booklet-sized collection of writings on the independence movement in Haiti, addressed in part to Général Christophe.]

cc.114r-127v. Ordonnance du Roi, Qui fixe les Droits de Justice et autres, 28 Janvier, 1816. [In French. Printed. 27 pp. Drawn up by Comte de Limonade (see letter collection above), discusses rights of taxation, criminals, and l'Amirauté (the admiralty) in Haiti.]

cc.129r-130v. La Comtess D'Ouanaminthe à S.A.R. Madam Athénaïs, 7 Juin, 1814. [In French. With envelope, 130v. Blank cc: 129v, 130r.]

cc.131r-132v. Le Prince Eugène au Roi, 21 Septembre, 1816. [In French. Introduces the "Portrait de Saladin Sultan," included here (possibly some variety of diplomatic correspondence or honorific?).]

cc.134r-v. "Royaume D'Hayti, Concession de Terre," 9 Decembre, 1819. [In French. Blank cc: 134v. Official partially-printed document that cedes in perpetuity a piece of land to a soldier or officer, Nicolas Jean Baptiste; signed by Henry, Roi d'Hayti, and Comte Delimonade.]

cc.136r-v. "Royaume D'Hayti, Brevet," 21 Juin, 1816. [In French. Official document for a military promotion made and signed by Henry, Roi d'Hayti, and Comte Delimonade.]

cc.137r-v. "Loi: Qui déclare dette nationale, l'indemnity de 150,000,000 de francs à la France, pour la reconnaissance de l'Independence d'Haiti," 26 Fevrier, 1826. [In French. Blank cc: 137v. Official printed acknowledgement of national debt for Haiti's independence after reunification under Boyer in 1820.]

cc.139r-148v. Le Propagateur Haïtien: Journal littéraire, commercial et politique no. 1 (15 Fevrier, 1825). [In French. Printed. 19 pp. Small bimonthly journal of writings on above topics.]

cc.149r-156v. No. 2 (1 Mars, 1825). [16 pp.]

cc.157r-164v. No. 4 (1 Avril, 1825). [16 pp.]

cc.165r-172v. No. 5 (15 Avril, 1825). [16 pp. This copy has many curious annotations in it, in mixed hands, some Beltrami's.]

cc.173r-182v. No. 6 (1 Mai, 1825). [18 pp.]

cc.183r-184v. Le Constitutionnel, Journal du commerce, politique, et littéraire, (11 Septembre, 1825). [In French. Printed. 4 pp. Tabloid-format newspaper.]

cc.185r-186v. Feuille du Commerce, Petites Afiches et Annonces du Port-au-Prince no. XXIX (17 Juillet, 1825). [In French. Printed. 4 pp. Tabloid-format newspaper.]

cc.187r-188v. Journal Du Commerce, Affiches Universelles; Feuille Politique, littéraire, Annonces Judiciares, Légalies, Industrielles, etc. no. 1845 (12 Janvier, 1825). [In French. Printed. 4 pp. Tabloid-format newspaper.]

cc.189r-192v. Chambres des Representans des Communes no. 1 (9 Fevrier, 1825). [In French. Printed. 6 pp. Tabloid-format report of legislation.]

cc.194r-195v. Le Télégraphe, Gazette Officielle no. XXVII (4 Juillet, 1824). [In French. Printed. 4 pp. Tabloid-format official reports of government activity.]

cc.196r-197v. No. XXIX (18 Juillet, 1824). [4 pp.]

cc.198r-201v. No. XLI (9 Octobre, 1824). [4 pp. 2 copies.]

cc.202r-203v. No. IX (27 Fevrier, 1825). [4 pp.]

cc.204r-205v. No. XIII (27 Mars, 1825). [4 pp.]

cc.206r-208v. No. XVIII (1 Mai, 1825). [5 pp. Contains supplement.]

cc.209r-211v. No. XXIX (17 Juillet, 1825). [6 pp. Contains supplement.]

cc.212r-213v. No. XXXIV (21 Août, 1825). [4 pp.]

cc.214r-215v. No. XXXVIII (18 Septembre, 1825). [4 pp.]

cc.216r-218v. No. XL (9 Octobre, 1825). [6 pp. Contains supplement.]

cc.219r-220v. No. XLI (16 Octobre, 1825). [4 pp.]

cc.221r-222v. No. XLIII (30 Octobre, 1825). [4 pp.]

cc.223r-229v. No. XLV (13 Novembre, 1825). [13 pp. Contains supplements; possibly pages missing and/or out of order.]

cc.230r-231v. No. XLVIII (4 Decembre, 1825). [4 pp.]

cc.233r-238v. Fragments (varied dates).

cc.239r-245v. Fragments of journal [probably Feuille du Commerce, Petites Afiches et Annonces du Port-au-Prince.] (varied dates). [In French. Printed.]

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15. Informazioni riguardanti alcune miniere messicane (Zacatecas). One folder, with the original order number of 7 (gamma 1 sopra 2/8). 6 documents; 2r-24v. Containing documents transmitted to Beltrami from Juan Bautista de la Gransa, giving information regarding four mines in Mexico S.Jorge, El Clarinero, Los Pasaros and de los Amigos. All documents in Spanish; presumably were arranged and transmitted together October 4, 1826. Lack of provenance information makes the origins or context of these documents somewhat cryptic. "cc" numbers refer to the number in red ink in the top right-hand corner of each document; freestanding blank pages are not annotated.

cc.2r-3v. Juan Bautista de la Gransa a Beltrami; New York, Oct. 4, 1826. [In Spanish. With envelope, 3v. Blank cc: 2v, 3r. Introductory letter informing Beltrami of the contents, and alerting him to the fact that the first is of his own writing while the others are not.]

cc.4r-5v. s.d. [presumably Oct. 4, 1826]. [Explains the conditions and briefly discusses the history of gold and silver mines in Mexico; discusses the difficulties inherent in the work; discusses financial transactions.]

cc.6r-9v. New York, Sept. 25, 1826 [final date on document]. [Documents on the mine S. Jorge; signed, apparently notarized declarations (all apparently in Granfa's hand), of experts on the mine on such matters as the depth, the financial arrangements surrounding the fruits of the mine, and labor relations; followed by Granfa's final summary of the "contrato" to Beltrami.]

cc.10r-14v. "Informacion de la Mina Llamada el Clarinero," 7 enero, 1826. [In Spanish. Blank cc: 10v, 14v. Documents on the mine El Clarinero; signed, apparently notarized declarations (in unknown hand), of experts on the mine on such matters as the depth, the financial arrangements surrounding the fruits of the mine, and labor relations.]

cc.15r-18v. "Informacion de Los Pasaros"; New York, Oct 2, 1826 [final date on document]. [In Spanish. Blank cc: 15v. Documents on the mine Los Pasaros; signed, apparently notarized declarations (in mixed hands, including that of Gransa), of experts on the mine on such matters as the depth, the financial arrangements surrounding the fruits of the mine, and labor relations.]

cc.20r-24v. 'Mina de Los Amigos"; New York, Oct 2, 1826 [final date on document]. [In Spanish. Blank cc: 20v, 24v. Documents on the mine Los Amigos; signed, apparently notarized declarations (in mixed hands, including that of Gransa), of experts on the mine on such matters as the depth, the financial arrangements surrounding the fruits of the mine, and labor relations.]

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Carte Varie [Related Documents]

16. Carteggio del Municipio di Bergamo riguardante il CB. One folder, with the original order number of 14 (gamma 1 sopra 2/9). 11 documents; 1r-28v. Containing documents (many donated by then-Mayor of Bergamo, G.B. Camozzi-Vertova) related to the correspondence between Alfred Hill of the Minnesota Historical Society and the city of Bergamo that led to the creation of Beltrami county and the donation of the Beltrami-focused materials to the society (particularly the volume Notizie e lettere pubblicate per cura del municipio del Bergamo e dedicata all Società Storica di Minnesota, and the reproduction of Scuri's painting). "cc" numbers refer to the number in red ink in the top right-hand corner of each document; freestanding blank pages are not annotated. Arranged chronologically.

cc.1r-2v. Original finding aids from Angelo Mai, s.d. [3 pp. Blank cc: 2v. With helpful content notes. Original location "Gab. Gamma 1 sopra 2 (9)."]

cc.3r-v. "Camozzi-Vertova, G.B.," 9 maggio, 1868. [Blank cc: 3v. Mayor Camozzi-Vertova's note offering these documents (to the biblioteca?).]

cc.4r-v. Fra. Vincenzo d'Ancona, presidente cappuccino a Camozzi-Vertova; Matelica delle Marche, 20 ottobre, 1865. [Blank cc: 4v. Requests a copy of the Notizie e lettere be sent to Filottrano, where Beltrami lived, except during his peregrinations, from 1814 onward.]

cc.5r-9v. Fra. Vincenzo d'Ancona, presidente cappuccino a Camozzi-Vertova; Matelica delle Marche, 29 novembre, 1865. [With envelope, 9v. Blank cc: 9r. Thanks him for the receipt of the book and congratulates the authors on a job well-done; lauds Beltrami for his findings and work; clears up the actual date of Beltrami's death, misreported in Notizie (actually 6 gennaio, 1855); relates how he spent his last few years, in solitude and study, but always generous and looking to improve his campestre.]

cc.12r-13v. Alfred J. Hill to the Chief Magistrate of the City of Bergamo; Washington D.C., July 9, 1863. [In English. Letter from Hill to the city of Bergamo requesting more information regarding Beltrami on behalf of the Minnesota State Historical Society; recounts his difficulties acquiring Rosa's work on Beltrami. This request led to the publishing of Notizie and the subsequent official recognition of Beltrami in Minnesota.]

cc.14r-17v. Alfred J. Hill to Signor Gabriele Rosa; St. Paul, Minnesota, April 7, 1866 [hand copied; location of original unknown]. [In English. Blank cc: 16v, 17r-v. Discusses the publications sent by Rosa and his colleagues, and thanks them for the honor they have shown the state of Minnesota; notes that he has been asked to write a memoir of Beltrami from the book; notes the creation of Beltrami County on February 28, 1866 on the request of the society; discusses the difficulty in getting the lakes officially designated as Beltrami named them.]

cc.18r-20v. Henry Sibley, President of the Minnesota Historical Society, to G.B. Camozzi-Vertova, Mayor; St. Paul, Minnesota, March 6, 1867. [In English. With envelope, 18r-v. Blank cc: 20v. Officially thanks the city of Bergamo for the gifts, including Notizie and the reproduction of Scuri's painting; notes how vastly changed northern Minnesota is in a short fifty years; remits a number of documents to Bergamo, including official minutes from the meeting and a copy of the decree creating Beltrami county February 28, 1866.]

cc.21r-21(A)v. "Extract from the minutes of the Minnesota Historical Society in relation to Beltrami," April 11, 1864; February 12, 1866; March 12, 1866. [In English. Hand-copied, with official seal, 21(A)r. Two pages attached to each other. Rosa elected honorary member of the Society; Hill will prepare a memoir on Beltrami; Society will petition legislature for Beltrami county; county adopted.]

cc.22r-v. "State of Minnesota, United States of America; Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota:" February 28, 1866. [In English. On parchment. Copy of official decree creating the County of Beltrami.] cc.23r-23(B)v. "Extract from the Journals of the Legislature of Minnesota in relation to the County of Beltrami, Eighth session," February 20, 1866 [Journal of the House of Representatives]; February 21, 1866; February 26, 1866 [Journal of the Senate]. [In English. Three pages attached to one another. Hand-copied, no seal. Blank cc: 23(B)r. In House documents, 23r-23(A)r: testimony for creation of Beltrami county, unanimously passed; in Senate documents, 23(A)r-23(A)v: sent to Senate, unanimously passed February 26, 1866. Signed into law by Governor W.R. Marshall March 1, 1866 (sic?).]

cc.24r-28v. Major Lawrence Taliaferro to Signore Rosa; Bedford, Pennsylvania, June 12, 1866. [In English. With envelope, 28r-v, and two photos, 25r, 26r. Blank cc: 25v, 27v. From Beltrami's traveling companion for much of his journey along the Mississippi. Sends a photo of himself for a show of Beltrami's Native American artifact collection at Angelo Mai; recounts their meeting on board the steamboat Virginia, his position at the time and their journey together; speaks to his feelings for Beltrami as a person of Italian ancestry; expresses his desire that Italy should become a free state at last, promising he would join the fight for independence if he were younger.]

Back to contents

17. Materiali dalla dedicazione del monumento a Columbus a St. Paul, Minnesota, 1931. One folder, with no original order number (gamma 1 sopra, 6). 12 documents; 1r-64v. Containing newspapers and one official program pertaining to the dedication of the Columbus monument and memorialization of Beltrami in St. Paul, Minnesota in 1931. "cc" numbers in pencil in upper right hand corner of each document; freestanding blank pages are not annotated. Arranged by publication and chronologically thereunder.

cc.1r-v. Columbus: Dedication of the Columbus Memorial, St. Paul, Minnesota, October 12, 1931. [In English. Printed. 92pp. Alternate title is Columbus: A Collection of Historical Facts. With original location note "Gabinetto gamma, 1 sopra, 6/2." This program contains the article entitled "With Beltrami at the Headwaters of the Mississippi Water" which gives a quick synopsis of Beltrami's life, and a rather long discussion as to the veracity of his discovery. Also contains a notice regarding the transferral of a copy of Scuri's painting to the Minnesota Historical Society. See main Bibliography for alternate holdings and more annotations.]

cc.2r-v. The Saint Paul Pioneer Press. "Italians Will Recall Countryman's Exploits in State 100 Years Ago" (p. 1), October 11, 1931. [In English. Printed. Announcement of the upcoming memorialization of Beltrami by the State Historical Society of Minnesota. Contains a reproduction of the copy of Scuri's portrait which was painted by Armando Micheli and subsequently presented to the society. Also mentions the official proclamation sent by the mayor of Bergamo to be read at the ceremony.

cc.3r-v. "Columbus Statue Unveiling to Draw Eyes of World" (p. 1), "Chief Figures in Unveiling Plans" (p. 1), and "Italian Envoys Arrival Today Will Open Fete" (p. 1), October 11, 1931. [Assorted articles regarding the dedication of the Columbus monument. No information directly related to Beltrami.]

cc.4r-12v. "To The Deathless Spirit of Great Adventure" (p.1) "Columbus Statue, Facing Homeland, Noted as Shrine" (pp.1 and 7) and "Glowing Era Seen in Italian Relations" (pp.1, 7), October 13, 1931. [See especially 4r, 7r. Includes five photos. Coverage of the festivities at the dedication of the monument which drew 25,000 people. Mentions the presentation of the Beltrami portrait as a highlight of the festivities.]

cc.13r-19v. St. Paul Dispatch, October 8, 1931. [In English. Printed. No articles found.]

cc.20r-24v. "Notables at Columbus Festival" (p. 1), and "25,000 Here Pay Honor to Columbus" (pp. 1, 9), October 12, 1931. [In English. See especially 20r, 24r. Photo of participants in festival with small caption, and one article relating events of the day; no mention of Beltrami.]

cc.25r-27v. Copy two. "Notables at Columbus Festival" (p. 1) and "25,000 Here Pay Honor to Columbus" (pp. 1, 9), October 12, 1931. [Also contains "Hawf and Hawf: From the Diary of Chris Columbus" (p.7; 26r), a humorous spoof of Columbus' voyage.]

cc.28r-v. "25,000 Honor Columbus as St. Paul Statue is Unveiled" (p. 1), "Parade in Celebration of Columbus Day" (p. 1), and "Notables Attend Ceremonies on Capital Grounds" (p. 1), October 12, 1931. [From the "Columbus Day Extra." Two photos of parade. Basically a reprint of the above article, with no Beltrami information.]

cc.29r-38v. The St. Paul Daily News. October 9, 1931. [In English. Printed. No articles found. This should be removed after further investigation.]

cc.39r-47v. October 11, 1931. [In English. No articles found.]

cc.48r-55v. "Thousands See Parade, Unveiling of Statue to Honor Columbus" ("Final Pink" page 1), "Thousands pay Tribute to Columbus, Memorial is Given to State" (p.1, 2), October 12, 1931. [See especially 48r, 49r-v. Coverage of the parade and festivities with no mention of Beltrami.]

cc.56r-64v. "Columbus and His Day" (p.1 (57r), upper left corner [Note: not "Final Pink" page 1]), "Columbus Fete Draws Vast Crowd" (p.1, 2 (57r-v) [Note: not "Final Pink" page 1]), and "throng Views Columbus Statue Dedication" (p.4, includes photo), October 13, 1931. [See especially 57r, 57v, 58v. Coverage of festivities. P.2 (57v) contains a paragraph regarding the Beltrami portrait given to the Minnesota State Historical Society on the occasion.]

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18-24. Miscellanea. One box, with the original number order of 15 (gamma 1 sopra, 6 (1-6)). 7 documents; 18-24. Containing early secondary sources on Beltrami, almost all of which can also be found either in the main bibliography or newspaper listings. "cc" numbers indicate denominator of location holding (e.g. "gabinetto….6/3"); blank pages are not annotated.

18 (cc.1). Rosa, Gabriele. Della vita e degli scritti di Costantino Beltrami da Bergamo, scopritore delle fonti del Mississippi. Bergamo: Pagnoncelli, 1861. [Printed. Pamphlet reprint of article from Gazzetta Veneta, 34 pp. See Main Bibliography section.]

19 (cc.2). Capsoni, Giuseppe. "Scoperta delle sorgenti del Mississippi fatta dal bergamasca Beltrami." Giornale della Provincia di Bergamo 34 (5 luglio, 1839). p. 366. [Printed. Bound newspaper page of an announcement of Beltrami's discovery. See Newspapers section.]

20 (cc.3). Pennesi, Giuseppe. Costantino Beltrami alla ricerca delle sorgenti del Mississippi--conferma alla Società Geografica Italia, il 18 aprile, 1886. Rome: Società Geografica Italia, 1886. [Printed. Pamphlet from a conference of the Società Geografica Italiana, 39 pp. See Main Bibliography section.]

21 (cc.4). Beltrami, Giacomo Costantino. L'Italie et l'Europe. Paris: Chez Leurault, Delaunay, Paulia, 1834. [In French. Printed. 48pp. See Main Bibliography section.]

22 (cc.5). Rosa, Gabriele. "Viaggi e scoperte del cittadina bergamasca Giacomo Costantino Beltrami." Part I-V. Gazzetta di Bergamo anno 43, n.83-87. (14, 17, 21, 24, 28 ottobre, 1856). [Printed. Photocopied newspaper pages (except number 85, 21 ottobre, which is original) that originally appeared serially. See Newspapers section.]

23 (cc.6). Camozzi-Vertova, G.B., Gabriele Rosa, Conte Pietro Moroni and G.C. Beltrami. Notizie e lettere pubblicate per cura del municipio di Bergamo e dedicate alla Società Storica di Minnesota. Bergamo: Pagnoncelli, 1865. [Printed. Booklet prepared for Minnesota State Historical Society which led to the recognition of Beltrami in that state, and the naming of Beltrami County, 134 pp. See Main Bibliography section.]

24 (cc.7). Beltrami County and town of Bemidji map, s.d. [ca. 1950-1960?] [Small tourist attraction map for Beltrami county. Items of interest located on the map include Beltrami Lake, Lake Julia, and a photo of a family crossing the headwaters of the Mississippi, at Lake Itasca.]

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End Document List

Cross referencing

Works authored by Beltrami in the Fondo:

General Subject Guide:

Bergamo, Ateneo di
Carbonari movement
Congress of Stuttgart, 1834
Minnesota State Historical Society
Mississippi River
Municipio di Bergamo
Red River
United States of America

Biographical Subject Guide:

Andrieux, François Guillaume Jean Stanislas (1759-1833)
Antonio Rodolfo Appony (1782-1852)
Barrot, Camille Hyacinthe Odilon (1791-1873)
Chateaubriand, Francois Renè (1768-1848)
Constant, Benjamin (1767-1830)
Cuvier, Baron Georges Léopold Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert (1769-1832)
Guizot, Francois Pierre Guillaume (1787-1874)
Jefferson, Thomas (1743-1826)
Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Metier, Marquis de (1757-1834)
Lafitte, Jacques (1767-1844)
Mittermaier, Karl Josef Anton (1787-1867)
Monglave, Francois Eugène Garay de (1796-1873)
Montlosier, François Dominique de Reynaud, Comte de (1755-1838)
Rivarola, Cardinale Agostino (1758-1842)
Spada dei Medici, Giulia (1781-1820)
Stolberg, Louise Maximilienne Caroline de, Comtesse d'Albany (1752-1824)

Bibliographic references

Note: For further references, see Main Bibliography

Braghieri Giacomini, Wally. Giacomo Costantino Beltrami: Pellegrino alle sorgenti del Mississippi. Bergamo: Conti, 1955.

Cattaneo, Barbara. "Le Mexique" di Giacomo Costantino Beltrami: le lettere dall'America di un "pelerin solitaire," 1830. [tesi di laurea]. Bergamo: istituto universitario di Bergamo, faccoltà di lingue e letterature straniere, 1990.

Camozzi-Vertova, G.B., Gabriele Rosa, Conte Pietro Moroni and G.C. Beltrami. Notizie e lettere pubblicate per cura del municipio del Bergamo e dedicata all Società Storica di Minnesota. Bergamo: Pagnoncelli, 1865.

Fabietti, Ettore. "Una Gloria Italiana rivendicata. G. Costantino Beltrami." Le Vie d'Italia e dell'America Latina 38 (1 marzo, 1932).

Masi Costanzi, Eugenia. Giacomo Costantino Beltrami e le sue esplorazioni in America. Firenze: Barbera, 1902.

Collection Statistics:

Total document count: 473

Correspondence (Beltrami): 279

Correspondence (total): 309

Printed: 110

Other materials: 54

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